Foods that can help you overcome a hangover

Contrary to popular belief, the fatty foods, coffee, or drinking more alcohol to deal with are not a good option for the body to recover.

As dietitian Julie Zampano points out, if you were the life of the party the night before, there are some foods that can help you overcome a hangover. The dietitian suggests the following to get us back on track:

1. Sports drinks and to improve electrolytes

The road to recovery could start with hydration. When you have a hangover you are dehydrated and your electrolyte levels are low.

Consuming a sports drink, coconut water, or electrolyte-boosting drink before bed or as soon as you wake up can help replace electrolytes. Or as simple as focusing on drinking water, this will help your body recover from a hangover.

2. Salmon

Low levels of vitamins B6 and B12 are believed to intensify hangovers. Salmon is rich in both B vitamins and will help you achieve more adequate levels of these vitamins.

3. Mangoes and other fruits

There is evidence that the natural sugars found in honey and fruit may help flush alcohol out of the body a little faster. Good choices include mangoes, grapes, pears, watermelon, and bananas.

4. ‘Bland’ foods

This is what dietitians call the ‘BRAT’ diet for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. These staple foods are easy for the body to digest. Plus, they tend to contain carbohydrates, which can help boost blood sugar. They can also help ease an upset stomach and say goodbye to hangovers.

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5. Ginger

Foods with ginger such as bread or cookies help reduce nausea and improve recurring upset stomachs when experiencing a hangover.

6. Milk

Milk is rich in calcium and soothes gastritis caused by alcohol. It also contains cysteine, an amino acid that digests the acetaldehyde produced when the body tries to process the alcohol we’ve drunk.

7. Eggs

After a drunken binge we may wake up with an upset stomach, but a breakfast of fried eggs will help us recover from a hangover. Eggs contain B vitamins: B2, B6, B12 essential in the recovery of the body.

8. Eggs

The amino acids and minerals in asparagus can fight hangovers and also help protect liver cells against toxins.