Five advantages of being single and how we can take advantage of them

Many times we consider that being single can be a disadvantage in our lives or we feel pressured by the idea of ​​not having a partner. However, being single is a valuable and enjoyable lifestyle. We tell you some of its advantages.

It is very common for dichotomies to arise regarding human relationships, including whether it is better to be in a relationship or not. Cinema, literature, music and other arts and media have this topic among their favorites. Here we address it we will explore it to know some interesting facts about being single.

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Being single, like so many issues, has defenders and detractors. However, there seems to be a kind of social pressure to have a partner or to idealize the marriage bond, to the point that even today this lifestyle is stigmatized.

However, according to different scientific investigationsbeing single has great advantages such as the following:

Five advantages of single people:

  1. They enjoy better health: According to an article published by the newspaper The clarinWhat a date a study conducted by the University of Texas to 1.2 million people for National Health Interview Surveyit was determined that people who had never married or had permanent relationships enjoyed a better physical health.
  2. They suffer less from obesity: According to the same medium, after a study by Dallas Methodist University, it was found that 60% of couples, in the first four years, tend to gain weight considerably. According to the lead researcher of the project, this happens because in marriage there is usually less interest in attracting the other person, which leads to a tendency to gain weight. This and the sedentary lifestyle that seems to be a factor also associated with a stable relationship.
  3. They rest more: 63% of people interviewed by the organization The Better Sleep, in the United States, stated that they feel more rested and sleep better when they do not share a bed with their partners. Apparently, single people They rest for a longer amount of time and with more comfort than married people.
  4. They have greater economic independence: Single people are more autonomous in their financial decisions, since they do not need approval or consensus from anyone. According to Forbes magazine, the 80% of people hide issues related to personal finances from their partner. In relation to this, also, according to other studies consulted, one of the greatest causes of dissatisfaction in marriage has to do with financial management. 50% of the couples interviewed mentioned that they had divorcedlargely, due to discussions regarding the economic.
  5. They are more sociable: According to a study by Cornell University, people who are single maintain longer and more stable relationships with friends and family. lThe ability to increase your social network is greater as is the power and disposition of cultivate friendships that last over time.
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In addition to these data, being single is a lifestyle that can help us work on ourselves, to make us stronger physically and mentally, allows us spaces to aspire to self-realization, facilitates our self-knowledge, and allows us to explore the world. We encourage you to enjoy being single and take advantage of its advantages.