Exhaustion or burnout – Integral Health Coaching.

Exhaustion (chronic fatigue or burnout) is often associated with problems of anxiety and depression. Among its symptoms can be cited great fatigue, loss of zest for life and loss of desire. The person who suffers from it has the impression of fighting against a machine, against a system, against something too big for them.

It is a condition that consists of the presence of a prolonged stress response in the body to emotional and impersonal stressors that occur at work that includes chronic fatigue, inefficiency and denial of what happened.

This fatigue generally occurs in people who have things to fix with their parent. As children they wanted to impress that father or mother by doing everything to please them, but they did not obtain the desired recognition. They felt controlled and powerless. Not believing in their worth, they got into the habit of “doing” to show that they “are.” They confuse “DOING” and “BEING”.

They have a reputation for being hard workers, but often feel imprisoned by their achievements. They have a lot to do, and when no one recognizes everything they do, they feel very alone. Finally they end up getting discouraged and say to themselves “What good is everything I do?” Then they feel powerless, give up the game and quickly go down. They can’t do anything and don’t even have the desire to do it.

Burnout is also an escape disease. I can ask myself: what am I trying to escape by overworking myself? Am I afraid of finding myself in front of myself? Do I need a reason not to be with a spouse who is unbearable to me? What am I trying to prove while running from fear of failure?

See also  Conflicts that manifest in the Knees – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Above all, you have to stop believing that I have to please everyone! It is a dream, and the true reality is knowing that I am doing the best I know what I should do, giving 100% of myself, and I rediscover serenity, inner peace and true love in action.

Plus, you have the right to say “no” when you think it’s too much for you. If you respect your limits, you will be less likely to criticize others and you will feel more happiness. Remember that a cheerful person endlessly renews his energy. The person suffering from burnout is not tired from lack of energy; on the contrary, he lacks energy because his capacity is exhausted.

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