Evidence-Based Problem Solving in 5 Steps

Many patients come to psychological consultation because they are stuck with a problem (family, work, economic, relationship, etc.) that they do not know how to solve. Which makes problem-solving strategies one of the essential techniques for every clinical psychologist.

In this video, the Mexican psychologist briefly explains what evidence-based strategies for solving problems consist of, how to implement them in the therapeutic session and how to help patients so that they can appropriate these strategies and add them to their behavioral repertoire.

In summary, the video presents the five principles that underpin evidence-based problem-solving strategies:

  1. Positive problem orientation.
  2. Define and conceptualize the problem
  3. Generation of alternatives
  4. Evaluate alternatives
  5. Implementation and verification

Ray eloquently explains the five principles mentioned and uses clear examples that make it easy to understand and apply these strategies.

I recommend their YouTube channel, where they regularly publish explanatory videos and interviews. It is a good initiative that psychologists should not fail to support.

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