Erection problems due to nerves: symptoms, causes and consequences

“Sometimes I lose it quickly, is it normal that it doesn’t stop?” “I think my partner doesn’t like me anymore. The other night we couldn’t do it because she lost her erection.”

It is clear that erections are natural and necessary, in the right context, to experience a healthy life. A man is expected to have erections even during sleep (approximately 4), upon waking up, and especially in erotic situations. From Psychology-Online we explain what happens when you experience the opposite case, the type of uncomfortable situation for you and your partner when the sexual act, penetration or sex in general occurs in an uncomfortable way due to erection problems or simply “not It’s how it’s supposed to be.”

And generating an erection involves a joint work of the brain, hormones and other physiological factors involved, to obtain a firm and sustained erection as a result, especially during the consummation of the sexual act. On this occasion, from Psychology-Online we introduce you to the psychological factor as a possible generator of erection problems due to nerves, their symptoms, causes and consequences.

Can erection problems be due to nerves?

Generally, it is assumed that erections are the norm at the time of a sexual encounter despite the circumstances surrounding the man in question when the latter are of utmost importance and sometimes decisive, for this action to occur when and how. expected. For the development of a healthy sexual life, it is not only necessary to have primary sexual organs in good condition, it is also necessary to have favorable living conditions.

On the other hand, the current generation of adults that corresponds to the so-called “Millenials” group and which, it is estimated, represents approximately 30% of the world’s population, tends to be prone to the development of anxiety and depression in addition to presenting a late entry into the world. labor field, largely due to the financial conditions that exist, but what is the relationship with this? The relationship that this data has with respect to the issue of erection problems due to nerves is that this group seems to be vulnerable to worry, overthinking and ruminationto feel emotionally affected by external factors and to maintain an external locus of control that influences their development, including sexual development.

That’s when you understand that, sometimes, Physiological problems can be caused by psychological factors neglected or even unknown by the person; In fact, erection problems could be the consequence and not the origin. That is to say, there are cases where high levels of anxiety (due to various reasons such as work, studies or family conflicts) prevent the entire process that leads to an erection from being carried out or where a lack of concentration due to excessive worries prevents the achievement of an erection. deep sleep that leads to the typical morning erection. In other words, There are erection problems due to non-organic or psychological factors which we generally call “nerves” to refer to the alteration of our behavior.

At what age does a man have erection problems?

Since it is not erectile dysfunction, these types of problems It is common in men at any age especially after age 50, it can be treated and tends to be temporary. However, when in doubt, it is suggested that men go to a trusted (and duly certified) doctor with the intention of ruling out or confirming this condition of erectile dysfunction or identifying an erection problem due to nerves.

To do this, in this article you will find information regarding the symptoms, causes and consequences of erection problems due to nerves.

Symptoms of erection problems due to nerves

What are the symptoms of erection problems? Erection problems due to nerves present characteristics that differ from other conditions related to the penis and its functioning or erectile dysfunction, as stated above. The case of erection problems due to nerves focuses on the inability to achieve or sustain an erection for the required period of time. However, this does not exclude sexual urge, desire or ejaculation; These three may not be affected in relation to erection problems due to nerves.

Causes of erection problems due to nerves

In the case of erection problems due to nerves, it will be helpful to understand that the reasons why these episodes occur have a primarily psychological basis that prevents or hinders the development of the physiological processes necessary to achieve an erection.

Therefore, pressure you or your partner to achieve an erection or holding it for the time necessary for the sexual act, represents an obstacle and not an incentive; It could even make the situation worse.

Let’s see why it gets “soft” shortly after having sex and the most common psychological aspects involved in erection problems due to nerves. The psychological causes of loss of erection during intercourse are:

Consequences of erection problems due to nerves

Being an occasional event, the psychological consequences can be reversible and less serious since it is known that the majority of the male population will experience this at some point in their life, contrary to the case of , where psychological and emotional support will be required. impact for stabilization in these areas of the person. In general terms, since an erection is important not only physically but also symbolically as a sign of male virility, it is possible for a man to develop discomfort or alterations such as:

  • .
  • Negatively affected self-esteem.
  • Questions and negative thoughts regarding one’s own masculinity.
  • Feeling of helplessness.
  • Rage.
  • Self-claims, disagreement.
  • General dissatisfaction with your sex life.

How to solve erection problems due to nerves

What can you do if an erection does not last during intercourse? Take into account the following aspects about erection problems:

  1. It is common. Most men experience this situation, regardless of age.
  2. It is usually temporary. It tends to be something circumstantial.
  3. More common with age. It is more likely to occur or increase after age 50.
  4. It doesn’t have to be a disorder. Not all problems achieving an erection deserve to be called “erectile dysfunction”, since this diagnosis must be declared by a specialist in the health area based on compliance with the diagnostic criteria.
  5. It is necessary to review toxic habits. The difficulties that arise at the level of functioning in the genital organs, both male and female, do not always have a physiological root. It can also be something related to the consumption of harmful substances such as tobacco, alcohol or other legal or illicit drugs. So, if you usually consume this type of substance, you are increasing the probability that these problems will appear and affect your sexual life, well-being and quality of life.
  6. Psychological causes can be treated by specialists. There are psychological phenomena that would explain some difficulties in the area of ​​performance in sexual activity. These are non-organic conditions that can be treated by mental health specialists such as duly certified psychologists and/or sexologists.
  7. Erection problems due to nerves have treatment. Erection difficulties are not equivalent to irreversible deterioration, rather it tends to be a temporary problem with solutions within the reach of science, so take heart!
  8. Healthy habits are important. On the other hand, let us remember that sexuality is an extremely broad dimension and that it is not limited to the functioning of the reproductive organ, that is, prior to erection, there are a series of conditions that must be met for it to be achieved. For example: sleeping well, balanced diet, psychological factors such as active sexual desire, libido management, absence of stress and/or anxiety, excessive worries, prejudices, insecurity, among others. Thus, the evaluation and consideration of a host of factors is necessary to determine whether the lack of erection is the original problem or, on the contrary, it is the palpable consequence of another alteration.

How to avoid or reduce the likelihood of erection problems?

There are some preventive actions that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of having problems maintaining an erection:

  • Practicing relaxation exercises daily.
  • Avoiding going overboard on matters beyond your reach as this generates anxiety.
  • Exercising communication between couples.
  • Avoiding generating expectations.
  • Exercising your body according to your own needs.
  • Through a balanced diet.
  • At least 8 hours of sleep.
  • Avoiding the consumption or excessive use of substances such as alcohol, nicotine or other types of drugs.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Erection problems due to nerves: symptoms, causes and consequenceswe recommend that you enter our category.


  • Finally, remember that, although at Psychology-Online we offer you professional information, it is appropriate that you turn to your trusted specialist (duly certified) to diagnose any health condition that you or your partner may be experiencing.


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  • Mayo Clinic. (March 27, 2020). Erectile dysfunction. Retrieved from:
  • Zumalacárregui, José Antonio. (June 10, 2020). Your other doctor. Impotence. Erectile dysfunction. Retrieved from:
  • American Psychiatric Association. (2014). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Madrid: Panamericana Medical Editorial.
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