Eight things that characterize a “toxic” mother, according to an expert

The ABC of Spain contacted an expert to shed light on this issue and in this note we will tell you what she said.

We all know the preponderant role that mothers have in our society; She is that person who is unconditional and is by our side to guide and support us in every stage of life.

However, on some occasions they can go beyond their limits when carrying out their duties as a mother and end up carrying out actions that, unintentionally, can affect the development of their children and their relationship with them.

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The word ‘toxic’ is used a lot today to define unhealthy behaviors that people have in their relationships. Surely many have heard things like: “my girlfriend is toxic” or “my friend is very toxic.” Now, mothers are not exempt from this adjective either.

In this sense, Irene López Assor, author of books such as ’10 obstacles that prevent you from being happy’ or ‘The secret of the potatoes’, told the newspaper ABC how she would define toxic mothers.

“It is one that has a negative view of the world. They tend to be very destructive, victimizing, possessive and controlling mothers most of the time,” López explained.

Likewise, he listed everything that characterizes them:

  • Manipulators.
  • Controllers.
  • Jealous.
  • Narcissists.
  • Authoritarian.
  • Lack of self-esteem.
  • They use their children to achieve their dreams.
  • They seek to be the center of attention.
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