At certain moments in our lives, we keep our emotions and feelings silent towards something or someone for fear of confrontation, rejection, abandonment, loneliness, losing prestige, what they will say, etc… without realizing that we are feeding our shadow (ego = artificial self), and this will manifest itself at the least opportune moment.

This simple exercise will help us to release all those emotions at the moment that we are with the “blood reaching the river”, as we colloquially say when we are about to suffer a nervous breakdown. This letter can be addressed to anyone, living or dead, and you can also write it to yourself, it is a quick way to release emotions.

Write by hand, on paper, it has to be in your own handwriting, telling that person with whom you find yourself in conflict, everything negative, but also positiveDon’t worry if you say an insult, because you must write everything you feel, everything that is burning you inside. These letters can help you a lot to free yourself from emotions and feelings that conditioned you, that did not let you move forward on your path.

Testimony of Lola Hernández: I spent 11 years hating someone who was very important in my life. I felt trampled on, abandoned, humiliated, ignored, there was a lot of hate that invaded me. At that time there was not yet “woken up”. How much bitterness and suffering would have been avoided! But today I know that everything happens for a reason and at the right time. They are not mistakes, they are life lessons that we repeat over and over again until we learn and overcome them.


I wrote this letter “to that person”, and from the first letter I noticed that I lost weight and felt lighter. I wrote 3 letters, one every 3 days, and the miracle. One day we met to talk about pending issues, unrelated to our past behavior, and I was surprised to give him a hug from the heart. The Magic Of Forgiveness!. Now we have a cordial relationship.

Drain Card to release Emotions

The letter can be for family, partner, friends, co-workers, neighbors, enemies, strangers, alive or dead. You can also write it about yourself, letting go of your emotions.

Write the letter by hand, in your own handwriting, in a row, do not go back, avoid erasing, do not overwrite. Write the letter as the feelings are coming from your mind to the paper, telling that person everything you feel, whether it is positive and/or negative (without consideration, even if some insult escapes), tell him everything that burns you inside.

  • Addressed to… (Name and surname/s or identification data)
  • I… (Your name and surname)
  • Content, here write everything you feel about that person, do not keep anything. (Do not review the letter, it does not matter if you repeat several times, the important thing is that you stay comfortable). You must do it without interruptions, and you cannot get up or get distracted until you finish, you have to do it focused and with full awareness, you have to read it at the same time that you write it so that you are listening to yourself.
  • As farewell write: I forgive you, I love you, I release you, now and forever. (Name of person) you forgive me, you love me, you set me free, now and forever. “And so it is”
  • Thank you thank you thank you. It is done.

When you finish you sign the letter, burn it and throw the ashes where you prefer (It’s a suggestion, you can do it as your heart dictates).

You can repeat the letter as many times as you want, on different days, and whenever you feel the need to “drop something”, and so on until you have nothing left to say about it. If you wish, you can choose a significant date to write it (birthday, wedding anniversary and/or a specific date that resonates with you), it is a suggestion, you can write it when you feel the time is right.

Little by little you will feel liberated.

-Lola Hernandez-

You can see too.