Does your eyelid tremble? Why does it happen, what is the treatment and when should we go to the doctor?

It is more frequent than it seems. A small tic in the , that appears out of nowhere, and that can last just a few seconds or last for minutes.

And although it is very uncomfortable for those who suffer from it, others do not notice this tremor, since the eye does not close more than it does during blinking. It is only perceived by the person who suffers from it (depending on the intensity, it may not be visible in front of the mirror).

However, these tremors have names: eyelid myokymia. It is important to be aware that it is not a regular one, since it could be the cause of some disease, despite the fact that, apparently, it is a type of spasm benign.

What is eyelid myokymia?

Eyelid myokymia presents with muscle spasms or contractions involuntary very fast and with rhythmic movement. It is very common that it only affects the lower eyelid of one eye (it can also appear in the upper one) and it is not a symptom of atrophy and weakness of the eyelid muscles.

Eyelid myokymia usually affects the lower eyelid. freepik

As explained Cesar Cristobal, from , “has been related to irritation of the nerve fibers that innervate the muscle or to protuberance dysfunction at the level of the facial nucleus. The incidence of this symptom is not specified, although it is not uncommon to see them in neurology consultations.

Causes of eyelid spasms

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  • Stare for a very long time.

  • Consumption of caffeine or alcohol in excess.

  • Use of certain drugs.

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However, “on rare occasions it may appear as the first sign” of other ailments such as “a facial hemispasm, a blepharospasmMeige syndrome (a neurological disorder that causes involuntary movements of the face and spasms of the eye muscles) or other forms of facial dystonia”.

The specialist also points out that “it could be a symptom of serious pathologies such as Facial paralysis or multiple sclerosis. For this reason, in the event of spasms that continue for hours or that recur regularly, an ophthalmologist should be consulted.

Do you have treatment?

As Cristóbal points out, “in persistent cases, Botox can be used” and “the prescription of antihistamines to reduce inflammation caused by allergic reactions has also been documented.”

Before arriving at this type of treatment, the patient should try to reduce the consumption of stimulants, such as coffee, sleep at least eight hours a day and exercise to overcome stress and fatigue.

Before continuous palpebral spasms, it is advisable to see an ophthalmologist freepik

How to differentiate it from a facial hemispasm

He hemispasm Facial is a nervous system disorder that, unlike eyelid spasms, affects the muscles on one side of the face after a blood vessel brushes against a facial nerve. Like those that occur on the eyelids, they cannot be controlled and do not cause pain.

Although in many cases there is no cause that explains these spasms, they can be caused by an injury or a tumor. Generally, they arise from episodes of stress, anxiety or fatigue.

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