Cystitis – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

CYSTITIS is a urinary infection, with or without fever, characterized by a frequent and compelling urge to urinate, even when very little urine is emitted with each urination and with a burning sensation.

The person suffering from a urinary infection feels very frustrated by their emotions. Hence the burning that he feels and that others do not realize they produce. He poorly assimilates external events and manifests his will in a disorderly way. He expects too much from others. His inner anger burns in him too.


In man: “I can not mark the territory.”

In women: “I can not organize my territory.”

Certain events or certain situations lead me to retain my irritation and frustrations. I am so worried in my waiting that my bladder swells. I live in a state of great pressure.

I become aware that it is essential to let go to get rid of them because, holding back, I block my energy just because I’m afraid. The disgust in front of the events, which produces a nervous tension, will inflame my bladder.

CLARIFICATION: This is a generic orientation, it is required to investigate, in each person in particular, the specific conflictive pack to be resolved.

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