Curiosities of the benteveo, the bird that maintains its partner for life

He benteveo It has a wide variety of names, including pitohué, cristofué, bichofeo or yellow breast. One of its main characteristics is that it is a singer and can be found in forests and areas covered with thorny bushes.


This bird has a particular and unmistakable plumage.

Another of the curiosities that has to do with the benteveo is that it can reach a medium size, 21 to 27 centimeters long and only 4.6 to 6 grams in weight. Its plumage is another of the most striking data.

This bird He has a white head with a black crown and a black mask on his face. The chest, belly and lower part of the body are covered in yellow plumage, while the throat is white and the wings are a brown hue.


With their partner they share their entire lives.

Beyond aesthetics, the design of the colors of its plumage has a purpose. According to experts, that kind of black mask that it has on its head helps reduce the reflection of the sun on the surface of the water and the intensity of sunlight during flight.

Regarding food, it is omnivorous, since it usually gobbles up all types of proteins from snails, beetles, grasshoppers, spiders to even mice. In addition, it can consume seeds and fruits and steal food from the bowls of cats and dogs.


The nests house the chicks for a very short time.

Enemies of benteveos

The benteveos They are usually territorial and defend their space against their enemies. Birds of prey are their main predators, since they feed on the eggs they house in their nests.

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They are monogamous. The female lays 2 to 5 eggs. Although when the chicks are born they are blind and have little plumage, in less than two weeks they are ready to leave the nest. They can live up to 7 years in the wild.