What is a toxic relationship? An emotionally toxic relationship occurs when one part of the couple adopts dominant behavior and the other part cannot do anything to avoid that dominance, because they are or believe they are in a situation of inferiority or subordination. The party that exercises the abuse has imposed a hostile climate and fear in the relationship that makes it difficult to express and live in a healthy way with the other person. From , we want to make known the consequences of a toxic relationship.

Characteristics of a toxic relationship

What behaviors can we observe in one?

  • Lack of assertive and empathetic communication.
  • Humiliate and ridicule to the other person, whether in public or private.
  • Attack her psychologically: attacking their self-esteem and their way of being. For example: “You’re crazy! You’re hysterical, no one is going to put up with you like I can!”
  • Physical violence: hitting, imposing yourself physically so that the person feels threatened.
  • Environmental violence: after an argument that breaks objects in the house or bangs on the table while arguing.
  • Sexual violence: forcing you to practice practices that the couple does not want.
  • Jealous and controlling behaviors about the other person: constantly asking where they are, who they are going with and even going so far as to isolate the partner from their social circle.

This article describes the .

All of these are actions and behaviors that can occur in a toxic relationship and that can greatly undermine the person in it. Therefore, we will see what consequences we can have after having been in a toxic relationship.

Aftermath of a toxic relationship

Once the toxic relationship ends, it may happen that:

  1. Guilty feeling
  2. Fear
  3. Depression
  4. Social isolation
  5. Shame
  6. Helplessness
  7. Apathy
  8. Somatizations
  9. Hopelessness
  10. Difficult to focus
  11. Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  12. Substance abuse (psychotropic drugs and OH)
  13. Sleep disorders

All of these symptoms are a source of discomfort for the person who suffers from them and for those around them who see a loved one suffer.

Can you have trauma after a toxic relationship?

Having been in a toxic relationship can be traumatizing for the person. The possible violence experienced in the relationship can generate doubts about one’s own capacity in many areas of one’s life. We may encounter situations such as:

Damaged self-esteem

Self-esteem is a powerful human need. This is basic and makes an essential contribution to the life process; It is essential for normal and healthy development, in addition to having survival value. Not having positive self-esteem can decrease our resistance to dealing with life’s adversities. In a toxic relationship it is one of the first things that can be damaged.

Even so, it should be noted that self-esteem is not a static or stable trait over time, but rather a dynamic index and subject to change. Here you can see.

emotional kidnapping

Feeling that you were not the one controlling your emotions since you had another person controlling them for you. This can lead to a lack of self-confidence, the emergence of convictions of not being worthy as a person and high levels of anxiety.

Learned helplessness

Sometimes, the toxic relationship has also been able to cause the person to adopt an attitude of resignation and passivity, since in the time that has passed in the relationship they learned that no matter what they did, they could not escape that harmful situation. This phenomenon is called: learned helplessness. In this article you will find more information about the.

All of this can mark future relationships, causing the person to adopt an attitude of fear about their future. For many people this is a source of anguish, since they have the feeling that they cannot get out of the memory of the relationship.

Post-traumatic stress after a toxic relationship

When the consequences of the toxic relationship go further, last over time and become something everyday and paralyzing in the person’s life, it is most likely that we will find ourselves facing a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

It is an anxiety disorder caused by an extremely stressful event; such as continued abuse, rape, torture, etc.

PTSD symptoms

  • Reliving the trauma through painful memories “flashbacks”.
  • Persistently avoid stimuli associated with trauma.
  • Weakening of the person’s general reactivity, more apathy.
  • Lack of interest in important activities.
  • Feeling of detachment: as if the person were an observer of their own body or mental process.

Furthermore, it is usually associated with high levels of anxiety and depression and adaptation difficulties. Symptoms of depression such as apathy, helplessness, hopelessness and feelings of guilt contribute to making the decision to seek help or take appropriate action more difficult.

Battered woman syndrome

Also called complex PTSD. In this case, the impact of trauma goes beyond a list of symptoms and encompasses the entire psychological functioning of the person.

Prolonged exposure to violence in all its forms (physical, psychological, environmental, sexual, verbal, economic, etc.) in contexts of abuse is capable of causing a intense affectation in: personality, identity, relationships and in all areas of the psychological functioning of the woman victim of . Here you will find more information about .

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • American Psychiatric Association. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2013:451-460.
  • Belloch, A., Sandín, B. and Ramos, F. (2008). Manual of psychopathology. Madrid: McGrawHill
  • Echeburúa, E. and Corral, P. (1995). Post-traumatic stress disorder, in A. Belloch, B. Sandín and F. Ramos (eds.) Manual of Psychopathology, vol. II.
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