Complementary colors: what they are, examples and uses

To talk about complementary colors, it is necessary to look at the , which is a form of circular representation of colors according to the similarity of their hue.

Whatever the color fixed on the color wheel, it can be said that its complementary color It is the one that is in the opposite of its position, so for each color it is different.

Green: example of a complementary color

The complementary color of green, in this case, is red, which is opposite its position. Both complement each other.

Complementary Color Chart

MistressrilloVioletGreen limeFuchsiaGreenRedSky BlueOrangeBlueLight orangePurpleYellowish Orange

Uses of complementary colors

Complementary colors look great together, excellent for the visual harmony they provide, which is why they are a good system for you.

They are widely used in the world of fashion, to create bold games, but also for the decoration of different spaces, and even for design.

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