Cirrhosis of the liver – Integral Health Coaching.

Cirrhosis is an inflammatory disease of the liver caused, among other things, by the abusive consumption of alcohol.

Cirrhosis is found in those who feel pushed by life, by events or certain situations that force them to move forward. Feeling pushed against my will, I resist and hold on to my opinions. I live with rancor and aggressiveness.

This disease is a reflection of my anger, my resentment towards life and what happens to me. I am filled with a latent inner aggressiveness and I constantly blame myself because I am convinced that I have “wrong” my life. I spend my time blaming myself and criticizing others. I get so hard that I can no longer see the light at the end of the tunnel.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: A hardening of the tissue that has been wearing away is produced, in order to be more resistant before it continues to change and ends up permanently losing its function.

CONFLICT: Conflict Cooldown, Harden, Shrink vs. Health. Exit need.

Conflicts of toxic piece. Fear, retraction.

Conflict of lack of renewal or adaptation. Getting too attached to things from the past.

Perpetual search for truth (lack of truth) in the mother’s womb where everything is rosy.

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See also  Exhaustion or burnout – Integral Health Coaching.