Biodecoding of problems in the Ovaries – Comprehensive Health Coaching.


Germ cell teratoma or seminoma:

Conflict of loss in a vital context lived as if it were the loss of a child. It can be the loss of a great friend, a very dear person, even a pet or experiencing this loss in relation to the family fortune. Or a great drama that affects the son. Conflict of being rejected or repudiated for belonging to a certain clan.

Interstitial tissue cyst:

Also loss conflict, but more frequent and less serious than a conflict that affects the germ cells. Conflict of loss with guilt added to a low blow. Ugly conflict in relation to the genital area, with sexual connotations with a man. Conflict of loss of a virtual child or conflict of fear of being denigrated, admonished, degraded by a man.


Left ovary: Reproduction conflict.

Right ovary: Conflict of male attraction.

They represent creative qualities. The two functions of the ovaries (reproduction and femininity) are affected in the woman who suffers from one or both of them. Her body tells her that it is not making good contact with her ability to create. She is too much in the “I am not capable”. She easily worries when it’s time to create something of her own, especially since she’s female.

She often tries to prove to men what she can do, while inside she doesn’t think so capable.

Ovarian problems indicate a deep conflict regarding the fact of being a woman, the expression of my femininity, or the fact of being a mother. I may also have put aside the creative side that is present in me.

See also  Parasites – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Ovarian pain may indicate that I have difficulties in accepting being a woman. I don’t even know how to express my femininity. I’m afraid to submit. However, I grew up in an environment of women who had to be “strong”, make decisions, etc. In fact, they wore the pants, this means that it is she who leads and makes the main decisions in the household.

Did I live in an environment where women were subjugated and had abdicated their own personality? I am aware that due to the education I received, I developed my masculine side much more or I committed myself to be the opposite of submission and to be myself, assuming my masculine side to the detriment of my femininity. I accept being a woman because as a woman, I am whole and I express my feelings. I can be strong and know how to give sweetness, love, understanding, etc. Each woman has her very own way of expressing her femininity, I must choose mine.

CLARIFICATION: This is a generic orientation, it is required to investigate, in each person in particular, the specific conflictive pack to be resolved.

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