Biodecoding of Hemorrhoids – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Varicose veins (venous inflammation) located in the rectum and anus. Painful pad-like lumps appear in the anus and bright-colored blood in the stool.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the anus. There is a need to improve irrigation where my sensitive part rests when sitting (my identity, my place). A varicose vein appears in the repair phase of a vein conflict (devaluation in the family and dirt to be cleaned) and in the anus (active phase of an identity conflict). In the active phase they ulcerate to increase the venous channel that carries blood to be cleaned, and it is in the repair phase that they twist and varicose veins appear.

CONFLICT: Conflict of identity and territory marking (ano). The conflict of territory in relation to the anus is equivalent to: “Where I put my ass”.

The keyword is “my site” Where do I sit? Do I know where my site is?

Pregnant women’s hemorrhoids respond to the unconscious thought of doubting their place: “What will my place be now that the child is coming?”

Conflict of rage for the past, with a lot of fear of letting go due to the feeling of still carrying many loads (of dirty territory and family) and not being able to handle them: “They give me up the ass and this may continue if I don’t watch out.”

They appear in the curative phase of the territorial conflict, that is: “when the site is found”.

See also  Parasites – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Fear of being abandoned by the mother or mourning not done with respect to the mother.

I don’t want to come home (blood family), it sucks coming home.

Internal hemorrhoids: “Here I can’t let go of the piece (the dirty thing they did to me and I still feel), it’s not my territory.”

Fear of established deadlines. Rage for the past. Fear of loosening feeling of charge

Hemorrhoids are an indication of pressure created by emotional states and fears that one does not want to show or talk about. This repression becomes a burden. They are manifested in the person who is forced, that pressure is created, especially in the material aspect. For example, it may be a person who is forced to do a business that he really does not like. Since hemorrhoids are located in the rectum, which is the terminal part of the large intestine, the person who suffers from them may be the type to force himself to finish something. Too much is demanded.

Tension is created mainly by wanting to “have” something or someone, due to material insecurity and difficulty making decisions. The stronger your inner attitude of insecurity, the more you will suffer from hemorrhoids. To alleviate this insecurity, you force yourself to “do” in order to “have.”

The hemorrhoids indicate to me a tension and an internal desire to force the elimination, as if I were trying to force something out; at the same time, the action of holding is manifested. The conflict between pushing and holding creates an imbalance. The veins allow us to suppose a situation indicating an emotional conflict between the action of rejecting and rejecting and the action of wanting to retain and block the emotion inside.

See also  Anemia – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Surely I live stress, pressure overload in relation to which I feel guilty. Perhaps I have deadlines to respect and I have great difficulty letting go, building trust and I may feel obligated to fulfill my obligations and responsibilities even if what I want is to speak and express my needs to rectify or adjust some situations. Also, I carry this weight only because the pride that I live will incite me not to ask anyone for help. I may also experience a feeling of submission in relation to a person or a situation in which I feel diminished, as if I were a nullity.
CLARIFICATION: This is a generic orientation, it is required to investigate, in each person in particular, the specific conflictive pack to be resolved.

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