Biodecoding of food allergy – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: We must look for the biological sense in the protection against that food, which was taken as harmful by the body due to a previous experience (cyclical allergy) or with a transgenerational program or project with a very strong sense (structural allergy), consuming this food.

CONFLICT: In most food allergies it is very important to find a situation in which a conflict occurred while the food in question was being eaten (programming or triggering conflict). Then we can add the symbolism of the particular food for a better approximation or to identify cases of Sense Project or transgenerational.

JUNCTURAL ALLERGY: There was a conflict when eating that food:

1- Event of daily life that comes unexpectedly, abruptly, unexpectedly.

2- Lived in isolation and not shared with anyone: “lived in solitude, which only we feel and live inside, and no one knows what I feel, I even tell it and I don’t feel supported.

3- Without a satisfactory solution for me: there may be for others, but not good and reassuring for me, suffering shows us the non-adaptation to reality.

Faced with the conflict, which lasts for an instant, we are disarmed and then the archaic biological reaction arises, which is the symptom, which is an unresolved conflict, and the symptom (allergy), which is the non-conscious solution to the conflict.

4- Of extreme intensity, it exceeds our upper limit of tolerable stress, our own defensive limits. Here we secrete amount of adrenaline hormones.

Speaking and expressing oneself at the time of the conflict annuls the impression, because everything that is not spoken, counted or cried, the body will tell us, it will speak and cry with pain.

See also  Cramps – Integral Health Coaching.

STRUCTURAL ALLERGY: My mother had a conflict eating that food during pregnancy.

PEANUT ALLERGY: It activates in me the memory of an event in which, as a young man, they made me “have a very bad time”.

I may have had the feeling then that I was sent to do some work without being sufficiently paid (in money, in affection, etc.). He was inwardly furious to work for a few pennies.

Trying to find the event or situations in which I could experience such a feeling, I will be able to modify my emotional memory and regularize the situation.

ALLERGY TO GLUTEN: In this case we must look for the biological sense in the protection against the father. Gluten = Bread and Bread = Father. The father is taken as harmful by the body due to an experience (cyclical allergy) or a transgenerational program or a very strongly felt project (structural allergy).

You can see the conflicts for celiac disease in

The main difference is that the allergy can be mild and have a clear programming conflict, while in the case of celiacs it is almost always a transgenerational or felt project.

We must look for the symbolism with family cohesion (bread = father or family). It is also very important to find a situation where a conflict occurred while we were in contact with the element (programming or triggering conflict).

“I have been kicked out of my family” “The baby needs to grow up in the family.”

ALLERGY TO FRUITS: look for conflicts related to sexuality (the forbidden fruit).

ALLERGY TO ALCOHOL (Transformed sugar):

Resent: “I want love, a lot of love, but I don’t like the love they have given me.”

See also  Enuresis or urinary incontinence – Integral Health Coaching.

“I want a love that is tested in time, a love transformed.” “I want a love very different from the one I have been given.”

In all cases, let’s not forget to take into account the symptoms as indicators of the nuance in the conflict. (Lack of breathing, inflammation, vomiting…).

milk allergy

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