Being tired of people

A lot of psychology already makes people depressed.
That of looking for the fifth leg of the cat is the common rule in psychologists apparently
I think the matter is perhaps simpler.
we are surrounded by stupid people haha
They are not delusions of grandeur, I think it is reality, I have commercial premises and I serve people every day and under the same frequent sales attention I could say that 70% of people are idiots.
They bore, of course, they bore, because one needs that Sunday day of rest in solitude. It means that one needs mental balance, just as you mention, it is necessary to stop listening to stupid things.
Walking down the street becomes something traumatic if we take into account the lot of bad musicians, the honking of horns, and some character in formal clothes shouting to the heavens at some imaginary friend who calls him a sinner. (and I still don’t understand why that is). called faith prevents those people from being interned) is like the magic social word anti madhouse.

Well, if people are boring I think so… but aren’t we forcing things?
Are we really made to live in society in these giant cities full of lights and with the same number of cold and dark corners?

Turning on the TV is already a crime with so much bad news and terrible things.
Is the boring topic of human rights being given too much importance?
Is the planet overpopulated or not? Wouldn’t it be better to eliminate a few bad apples (I know that this will remove experimental subjects from psychiatry) but wouldn’t it be simpler?

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We seem to forget that we are animals deep down.

good page greetings