Beautiful prayer to ask and thank for the brothers


Complicity, trust, love and company These are some of the characteristics that make this bond so special, and those that allow any confrontation to have a solution; In this regard, God has instilled in us, precisely, that infinite affection that must exist for a brother and the great things that happen when you understand that together everything is better.

In the Bible, for example, there were several apostles who were brothers and it is shown that they shared their faith and that with it everything was much better in terms of their own lives and what united them with their own family: John was the brother of James, and Peter was the brother of Andrew.


for the brothers

Father, I thank you for the gift of my brothers, thank you for teaching me through them; This is how we learn to relate to each other, to listen and share, to be patient, to show respect, and to help each other. Through my brothers you invite me to grow in closeness, care and respect.

Make us generous and tireless in forgiving each other for offenses, fights, injustices and negligence; our affection suggests it to us, the charity of Christ demands it. Inspire me to always consider how we can encourage each other to love and good deeds.

Father, I pray to you for the brothers who suffer wounds in the family, brothers who do not know your mercy and your love, brothers who do not return to the Church as their mother, brothers who are separated. I pray for the brothers who departed this life, even before they were born into our family. May the prayers of Peter and Andrew, James and John and all the other saints, especially the holy brothers, help us to draw closer to you, Lord. Amen.

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