Basic guide to types of therapy (part IX): dialectical-behavioral therapy

Dialectical-behavioral therapy is one of the most complete therapies of the so-called “third generation” of behavioral models. Below we tell you some of its characteristics and practices.

The dialectical approach

It’s a model formulated in the mid-1980s especially for the treatment of patients diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder. This therapy considers some principles of the “cognitive-behavioral” model, but reformulates the relationship between therapist-patient thanks to the fact that he considers that the patient himself is active part of the therapy and that the therapist, eventually, constitutes and occupies the role of the patient and vice versa (hence the name “dialectics“).

In fact, Marsha Linehan, a pioneer of this model, was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

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The balance model, where the therapist and the patient share both the acceptance of the problem as a need for changeemerges as the counterpart to the therapies that implement a model that assumes that favorable outcomes only depend on the patient and that it is their behavioral changes that determine the success of the therapy. In this model, the principle that what fails is the therapy and not the patient reverses the classic behavioral therapeutic meaning or acceptance and commitment, and It also implies the acceptance and eventual change in the type of therapy by the treating specialist..

Therapeutic practice

Although there are several assumptions and principles in this type of therapy, one of the most relevant has to do with the disabling environment in which the treated person develops and lives. Although the person has been generally invalidated by the normative social environmentthe therapy space It shouldn’t work the same way.Therefore, positive or intrusive therapy (in the manner of classic psychoanalytic therapies) does not make much sense in this case.

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The therapeutic practice is widely documented and includes among its procedures the skills training, individual psychotherapythe alternative therapist supervision and numerous other mechanisms. This type of therapy is one of the most extensive and complete in current psychotherapy.

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