Four steps to help people with stress overload

It is normal that, on a daily basis, many of the people around us, in the different environments we frequent, present symptoms of stress, whether due to work overload, physical conditions or personal reasons. However, we don’t always know how to help in these situations.

According to the prestigious psychologist Andrew Baum, “stress constitutes an annoying emotional experience that is accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological and behavioral changes” which operate as signals that we must attend to to ensure our emotional, physical and relational health.

Do you have stress? Take the following test and find out:

The reasons and causes of excess stress They are wide and numerous, however, Its effects are harmful to mental and physical healththerefore, helping those who are affected is a practice of great importance, which can also contribute to those who suffer from stress learn to handle it.

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Four tips to help those who suffer from stress:

  1. Not be another stress factor:
    It seems obvious, but it is not. Many times, Because we want to do more, we do less and that is true many times with people we want to help. Trying to advise, recommend good practices, or lecture never really helps someone who is stressed. “He who hinders a little helps a lot,” they say, and it is true. It is much more advisable, if we are not willing to really help, refrain from advising or attempting to guide to those who are too stressed.
  2. Listen actively:

    If we already decided that we really want to help that person to better manage their high level of stressthe second will be listen to it. The active listeningthat is, a listening that guarantees the interlocutor that we are understanding and that we have captured your message, it will be a first step so that those who suffer from stress can improve their condition. Furthermore, it is more than necessary to practice it, since in this way we can understand well what is happening to whom we seek to help and, From there, look for solutions.

  3. Help identify the causes of stress:

    Having listened to him, surely it will be easier to determine the causes particulars that in your case caused the stress overload. Helping the person themselves identify and share them is very useful. To do this we can ask you questions like What do you think caused the stress overload? What series of things happened to get to this point? How can you solve some of them? How can I help you solve them? How can I help you in general?

  4. Now, make suggestions:

    If the situation allows it and, having completed the previous steps, you may make some recommendations It is useful for the person we want to help to consider in the future. Stress, as we know, is a state that enables us to face the demands of everyday life, but it is its excess that can be overwhelming and even pathological. Learn to cope with stress With healthy practices it is always recommended.

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