Back pain: what types are there, practical advice to avoid it and formulas to recover

Back pain is probably, along with headache, one of the most frequent health problems in the population. In fact, it is the second reason for consulting the primary care physician.

Back pain can be located in any section of the spine and, on some occasions, can even cause limited mobility.

Depending on where the pain is located, we can distinguish several types:

  • spine pain cervicalhe. Here the pain is located in the nape of the neck and upper back and is usually caused by poor posture, exertion or trauma.

  • Pain dorsal. The discomfort occurs in the central part of the back and is not very common. Its cause is usually in the bad postures we adopt.

  • . When the lower part of the spine hurts. A pain that, in 90% of cases, is due to overload or structural alterations of the spine.

Back pain is the second reason for consulting the primary care physician. FREEPIK

Recommendations to prevent and treat back pain

The fact that back pain is something common does not mean that it makes us go through bad days or seasons. That is why he points out some recommendations to avoid it and to treat it in case it appears.

  • The first thing is to lose weight in the case of being overweight or obese. In this way, the column will reduce its load and improve its mobility. To achieve this, pharmacists recommend “a healthy, balanced diet, rich in omega 3 and with a calcium intake (with oily fish, cereals, dairy products, etc.)”.
  • Avoid prolonged rest, beyond 1 or 2 days. It is also important to spend a lot of time standing, sitting or lying down.
  • Perform physical exercise on a regular basis. About 30 minutes a day is the recommended minimum. Regarding the type of activity, the best is moderate exercise: walking, swimming or cycling are the most recommended.
  • Perform rehabilitation and prevention exercises. If we have already had back problems, the best way to avoid suffering pain again is from the back and the abdominals, since many pains originate from the weakness of these muscles.
  • Wear comfortable shoes“avoid high heels or very flat shoes”, they point out from SEFAC.
  • Adopt postural hygiene habits. Among them, the pharmacists point out: “support your entire back in the chair, do not bend your back in the lower back, push instead of pulling the weights (for example: use a shopping cart)”.
  • Improve night rest. For this we must take care of the type of mattress we use, which should not be too hard or too soft, and look for a comfortable pillow.

Also, in bed, it’s better not sleep upside down. “The proper posture to prevent low back pain is on your back with a cushion under your knees or on your side,” the specialists explain. All this will prevent back pain.

  • Out with stress. Exercises like yoga and tai chi can help reduce stress and improve joint health.
  • Take vitamin B-based complexes It helps to improve pain and achieve a faster recovery.
  • The stretching exercises in the morning and going to a physical therapist alleviates the symptoms of back pain.

If the pain is caused by an injury or impact, it is best to apply local cold for about 20 minutes (cold packs, menthol-based creams, or cold bandages). Cold decreases local inflammation.

  • Once the swelling has gone down, it can be done. apply local heat. This way we will calm and relax the back.

  • youpharmacological treatment. On some occasions, the only way to relieve pain will be through drugs indicated by the doctor. In these cases, SEFAC reminds us that “it is important to adhere to the treatment. In case of doubt consult your pharmacist, they can advise you to obtain better therapeutic results”.

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