Baby owls sleep on their stomachs because their heads are heavy.

Owls are a species of bird that has been associated with wisdom since ancient times, perhaps because of their shape, perhaps because of their attitude. The truth is that they are nocturnal animals that emit their lulling song in the darkness and sleep during the day. It is well known that adults sleep standing up, which is why they do not appear to be taking a nap and go unnoticed. But have you ever wondered how baby owls sleep, because they do so on their stomachs and look extremely adorable.

These mysterious birds are usually during the day, while at night they are most active. They sleep very discreetly on the branches of the trees and to go even more unnoticed, they do so standing up. However, one of the most outstanding characteristics is that their heads are very large compared to their body. For this reason, baby owls sleep on their stomachs due to the great weight of their heads, which their tender body is not yet able to support. So the alternative is to lie face down on the nearest branch to enjoy a nice nap.

Baby owls, the most touching birds

The intriguing behavior has amazed Internet users who cannot believe the cute appearance of baby owls that sleep on their stomachs. What is most striking is that they seem to rest like an extremely tired person, lying face down and completely collapsed. On some occasions, they will even collapse onto your chest and turn their head to the side before drifting off into a reverie, making them even more adorable to look at.

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But the most surprising thing is that they do not need an extremely flat and stable surface to take a nap. They lie face down on tree branches and don’t fall, how do they do it? This is thanks to its rear finger or claw, also called hallux, which hooks small birds to the branch. Thanks to their rear claw, baby owls can rest from the weight of their heads and at the same time have a rest. Although in the process it allows us to be more amazed by these beautiful birds that certainly have an extremely touching appearance.