Assertive communication at work: definition and examples

Communication in the company is present from the moment a candidate begins a selection process in that entity. Assertive communication is one that not only values ​​constructive words, but also the tone of the message to create a friendly organizational climate that takes care of the people who are part of that place.

In the field of business, there is not only face-to-face interaction, but also an exchange of information through written communication. Therefore, assertiveness is the necessary ingredient in both levels of dialogue. In this article we reflect in Psychology-Online we reflect on the “Assertive communication at work: definition and exampleyes.”

This form of interaction is born from an attitude of respect towards oneself and towards others. The message is expressed from the selfThat is, the dialogue is not taken to the level of reproach or personal attack. Therefore, it is also essential to maintain objectivity through the description of the facts.

It is impossible for human beings not to communicate. When a person joins a new job, he is transmitting a message to others with his mere presence. This means that communication goes beyond words, it also includes body language and others.

Assertive communication shows the alignment that exists between words and language of the body in the expression of a message promoting empathy, kindness, encounter and respect.

Below, we list four very curious techniques that can help you practice at work:

Sandwich Technique

This is a three-part expression formula that begins with a positive reinforcement beginning and ending with a message of gratitude. In the central part you verbalize a refusal or a request for change.

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Imagine that a co-worker with whom you have established a bond of friendship has invited you to a plan that you cannot attend. How to express your refusal through this formula? “Thank you very much for inviting me, I still remember how much fun I had the last time we met. I am very sorry, on this occasion I cannot stay. However, we could have something another day after work.”

Broken record

This technique consists of repeat the same message with kindness at the insistence of another person who does not seem to accept that position. Therefore, you must remain firm in expressing your phrase over and over again in a clear example that you do not change your position.

Imagine that a co-worker asks you to help him with a task when you are taking care of an issue that you must finish soon. Your partner insists on you because he is locked into his own position. In that case, you can use this technique by responding to their demands in a similar way with a phrase that reflects the same sequence.

For example, “I can’t help you now because I have to finish this project. When it’s over, we’ll talk more calmly.” If he continues to insist, repeat this same idea.

Speak from the self

A simple exercise in assertiveness is to express a point of view from a personal point of view. Imagine that you are talking to a coworker about a matter that involves both of you and you would like to receive feedback from him because you have doubts about whether you have managed to synthesize your argument clearly. In that case, instead of asking “Did you understand me?”, it is more assertive to ask “Did I explain myself well?”

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Reinforcement of assertive words

There are words that by their very nature convey kindness in dialogue. Therefore, use them more frequently in the office. These expressions are “thank you” and “please”.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.