15 Remedies to eliminate toxins from the body naturally and feel better

In our daily lives, without us realizing it, we are continually exposed to different substances that will be harmful to our body, since they can accumulate. Pollution of air, water and even food, in addition to unhealthy lifestyle habits, are factors that contribute to our exposure to different toxins. An example is heavy metals, such as mercury, with which we can come into contact when eating certain fish. In other words, we are surrounded by toxins that, to a greater or lesser extent, will end up entering our body. To avoid problems, our liver is the organ of the body that mainly acts as a filter or purifier, responsible for eliminating these toxins, but it does not hurt that we support this task to maintain our health, especially if we think we may have an excess. of toxins.

Next, in Psychology-Online, we explain how to eliminate toxins from the body naturally to feel better.

Why is it important to eliminate toxins from the body?

You’ve probably heard of terms like detox or detoxification to refer to the elimination of harmful substances from the body. As we advanced in the introduction, it is an action that our liver performs daily, supported by the work of the kidneys and intestine, since among its functions is the purification of the blood and the elimination of substances that are potentially harmful to us, such as heavy metals, medications or any other toxin. To help purify the liver, we ourselves can eat different foods and dietary supplements or adopt lifestyle habits that contribute to the natural detoxification of the body. Because it is important? Because substances with toxic potential have the ability to accumulate in our body. This means that we may not notice its effects today, tomorrow or the day after, but they will end up appearing in the long term. Furthermore, a excess toxins can cause us Clinical signs as the following:

  • Fatigue, both physically and mentally.
  • Headache.
  • Feeling of dullness.
  • Difficulty thinking clearly.
  • Problems concentrating, sleeping or resting.
  • Digestion disorders.
  • Skin allergies, eczema or dermatitis.

Therefore, it is important to eliminate toxins and we should not relate detoxification only with a process aimed at losing weight or correcting excesses in diet that we may have committed on special dates. Logically, getting rid of toxins we will improve our general health and in consequence, our well-being. For this reason, it is recommended to carry out a detoxification at least once a year and, better, if it coincides with a few days before the beginning of spring or autumn. Thus, detoxification consists of the transformation of potentially harmful substances into less toxic ones that can be eliminated. This task is basically carried out by the liver in a process that is divided into two phases. For the first phase, antioxidants are required, since what occurs are oxidation reactions from which free radicals, potentially harmful to us, will be derived. The result is intermediate metabolites, which are those that, in the second phase, with the action of glutathione, end up becoming excretion products. For good excretion it is necessary for our digestive system to function perfectly.

Next, we review the best habits and home remedies to eliminate toxins from the body.

chlorella algae

If you want to detoxify the body naturally, you can benefit from the natural food supplement, of Vitae based on chlorella algaewhich stands out for its dietary fiber content, thanks to which it improves intestinal transit, which, in turn, helps the toxins eliminated by the liver to leave the body more quickly, spending as little time as possible in it. This fiber favors transit as it is not digested, which absorbs water and increases the volume of feces. The chlorella algae is also characterized by its high nutritional value, thanks to nutrients as the following:

  • Chlorophyll, being the known food with the highest concentration of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll can inhibit the absorption of toxins such as dioxins and, in turn, accelerate their excretion in the feces.
  • Vitaminssuch as those of complex B, A, C, D, E or K.
  • Proteins of high biological quality, that is, they contain all the amino acids which are considered essential because our body is not capable of producing them.
  • Minerals such as zinc, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper or iron.

All these elements that abound in the chlorella contribute to eliminate toxins and free radicals, since it also acts as an antioxidant, while promoting blood oxygenation. This is due to its chelating function, which we could explain as being able to “trap” potentially harmful substances.

Green or black tea

Both green and black tea or traditional Chinese tea have a considerable antioxidant effect, fighting free radicals. You can drink tea both hot and cold. You will eliminate toxins through urine. Other especially recommended infusions are those of horsetail, dandelion, thyme or elderberry, thanks to their diuretic and purifying properties.


It is another great antioxidant that helps purify the liver. Garlic also contributes to the production of glutathione and stimulates the enzymes of this organ. In addition, it has activity against a good number of pathogenic microorganisms.

Physical activity

Exercise allows us to sweat and this is one of the best ways to detoxify the body. It is advisable to practice some sporting activity adapted to our abilities. every day for half an hour at a minimum, whether it’s walking, swimming, running or cycling.

In addition to sweat, exercise contributes to the proper functioning of all our organs, oxygenates the blood, increases the efficiency of glutathione, improves intestinal transit and activates the renal system by drinking to replace the fluids lost through sweat. Another option to sweat is to use the sauna.

green vegetables

They are considered natural antioxidants, in addition to the nutritional benefits that their components can provide to our diet. They keep free radicals that harm the health of our body at bay. It is better to eat them raw to preserve all their properties. It is recommended to include several servings a day of vegetables and also raw fruits in your diet. Proof arugula, spinach, artichokes or kale and other cabbages.

In general, the consumption of organic food and products, such as hygiene, cosmetics or cleaning products, will contribute to maintaining our health, as it is a way to reduce the presence of pesticides, pesticides, additives, etc. Remember that with vegetables and fruits you can prepare detox smoothies, full of nutrients for your body.


We refer to the practice of deep and conscious breathing. In this way, we achieve a correct exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, which favors the elimination of toxins.

Vitamin C

It is considered especially important for stimulate the immune system and also promotes the production of glutathione. In addition, it has antioxidant action. You can consume foods rich in this vitamin or take it as a supplement, if necessary.


We are 70% water, hence this substance is essential to keep us healthy. Be well hydrated, drinking a minimum of two liters of water a day, prevents fluid retention and contributes to the proper functioning of the entire body, including the kidneys, which will also be responsible for eliminating toxins through urine. It is essential to drink water to replace the fluids we lose and let’s not forget that it also helps correct intestinal transit.

Water with lemon

A glass of water with a splash of lemon on an empty stomach and as soon as you wake up is a common practice for many people. The lemon contributes to the detoxification and purification of our bodywhile promoting the functioning of the urinary system, in addition to providing us with the nutritional benefits derived from its components.


The apple is included among the recommended foods for detoxification due to its contained in a fiber called pectin. Our body does not absorb it, but it serves to retain water and removes the toxins present in the intestine, eliminating them in the feces. In this way, it also promotes good intestinal transit. Remember that pectin is located, above all, in the skin of the apple. Therefore, the recommendation is to eat it as is, without removing the skin. Other fruits with a great detoxifying effect and beneficial for digestive transit are grapefruit, papaya or green grapes.


Staying in a permanent state of stress and anxiety causes the secretion of different substances that end up being toxic to the body and are difficult to eliminate. That’s why, It is important that we take the fight against stress seriously if we want to prevent the accumulation of toxins. To do this, adopt healthy lifestyle habits, rest the necessary hours, establish a routine, eat healthy and practice some activity that helps you relax. In the following article you can see more tips on .


Turmeric contains curcumin, a antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. For this reason, it helps fight free radicals and its effect is seen above all in the organ that matters most to us when it comes to purifying our body: the liver. You can add turmeric to your dishes every day to reap its benefits. It is also possible to take it just diluted in a glass of water.


Probiotics are bacteria that are beneficial for our body, since they maintain or improve the bacteria that are part of our normal flora, while fighting those that are harmful and release toxins, promoting the balance we need for our health. Some foods that are considered probiotics are sauerkraut, kefir, yogurt or fermented ones. Probiotics can also be introduced into the diet as a supplement.


Red fruits, like berries, are considered great antioxidants thanks to its pigments anthocyanins, that help protect liver function. These fruits can be consumed raw, in juices, in smoothies or added to different dishes. Purple vegetables, such as eggplant, also contain anthocyanins.

Avoid processed and sugary foods

These types of foods are full of unnecessary ingredients that do not provide any benefit to our body. In addition, they slow down the metabolism, causing toxins to remain longer inside our body. Also avoid fats…

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