My daughter’s boyfriend abuses her, what can we do?

Guide for mothers and fathers with teenage daughters who suffer gender violence

Gender violence is an instrument of control, domination and submission that aims to impose the behavioral patterns that the man (from a sexist belief system) considers that the woman with whom he has a relationship should have, in order to continue maintaining the relationship. status of power that, based on patriarchal culture, is considered “natural.”

Thus, the origin of violence is not found in reasons such as your daughter’s partner being more or less aggressive, losing control, coming from a “difficult” family, etc. The violence he exercises is not intended to cause harm for the sake of doing so, but to exercise his dominance to maintain power over his partner, imposing a model of an unequal relationship, which gives him power and privileges and is in line with what he has learned ( that he has assumed and that he intends to put into practice) about what a couple should be like.

Gender violence begins to appear from the moment the first couple relationships are established (most of them in adolescence), not always as aggressive behaviors (more evident and detectable) but as behaviors that favor inequality, dominance and abuse. . When violence appears in its facet of physical aggression, the person who suffers it is already very damaged in their emotional, relational and psychological aspects.

The coercion strategies used in the courtship phase are, basically, those that will manifest later throughout the relationship, but with forms and manners of a more subtle, indirect, covert and disguised nature or mixed with displays of affection and loving feelings, which confuses your daughter.

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Guide developed by him.