Back pain, one of the most frequent and most incapacitating –

The back is one of the areas of the body most affected by pain, it is even one of the main victims of stress. Back pain not only affects the quality of life, but in 70% of cases it is disabling.

We will all suffer from this ailment at some point in our lives, since the spine is one of the main victims of mismanagement, thanks to poor posture or ignorance of the positions to be acquired: when sitting, standing, walking and, even while standing.

“Bad postures lead to triggering degenerative type alterations. This area of ​​the body is one of the most important, since a large part of the support and motor skills of the body revolves around it.” says the doctor Gerardo Casasorthopedist, spine specialist, del Medical Center.

Although the most common origin of this pain is usually physical, due to bad postures; emotional factors, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and even being overweight and chronic constipation, also appear among its causes.

Many people will experience one or more episodes of low back pain in their lifetime. In industrialized countries this situation can occur in up to 90% of people. We are not very far away, as our environment is increasingly globalized.

Low back pain is defined as pain, tension, or muscle contracture located below the last rib and above the gluteal fold with or without pain in the legs. says the specialist.

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It is considered that most of these pains are ‘benign’ in almost 90% of cases and only 10% may be due to specific injuries, such as herniated discs, infections, rheumatic diseases, fractures or tumor processes.

Back pain with characteristics considered “benign” mainly affects muscle tissue and is triggered by increased pressure on the facets or joints of the vertebrae and is known as low back pain of mechanical origin.

The vertebral alterations that are frequently observed in imaging studies (x-rays, scans or magnetic resonance imaging) are not closely related to low back pain of mechanical origin, since many people without symptoms present these same alterations.

There are several structures found in the lumbar region that can cause pain (muscles, ligaments, articular facets, intervertebral discs or nervous structures) and it is the doctor who, through questioning, physical examination and analysis of paraclinical studies, who It determines which of them mainly contributes to the origin of the pain and plans the most appropriate treatment.

“The use of analgesic drugs, muscle relaxants and forms of therapy are indicated in most acute processes. Behavioral therapies, improvement of physical condition, modifications of working and psychological conditions, are determinants in the management of recurrent or chronic low back pain. indicates the orthopedist.

The bipedal condition of the human being, who throughout history has modified the life expectancy, the ways of doing work and constitutes a natural contributing factor for mechanical pain. Growing overweight or obesity, sedentary lifestyle and stress increasingly facilitate the early onset of back pain.

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Our daily habits, such as poor reading postures during study time and inadequate conditions in front of a desk at work, are among the main causes of pain related to muscles and joints, according to a report from the medical office.

“An incorrect position for a significant time, in a job for long hours in front of a computer, implies, among other things, an over-demand of the muscles called paravertebrals, which are those placed on the sides of the spine.”, affirms Dr. Casas.

These muscles demanded, beyond their working capacity, end up fatigued and cause pain, which later becomes a muscle contracture, a reaction of the body to automatically immobilize the area to prevent injury and reduce pain.

In conclusion, “the best management is one that considers all aspects of the patient: exercise, multidisciplinary rehabilitation, education, behavioral changes, and the recognition that each patient is an individual being with different physical conditions, different jobs, particular beliefs and emotions, which make the response to treatment is also individual. assures the specialist of the Medical Center.