Poor digestion and irritable colon, the most common disorders of the digestive system –

Abdominal pain or changes in bowel habit, among others, are the symptoms that appear when a functional intestinal disorder occurs, an alteration in the normal function of the digestive system that affects anyone, at any age. However, there are certain disorders that can affect some more than others, as explained by the internist, clinical gastroenterologist of our Institution, Jesús Arbey Hoyos, who states that “irritable bowel affects women more, manifesting with constipation. In men it presents with diarrhea.

In the list of these disorders is non-ulcer dyspepsia, known as poor digestion, as well as irritable bowel, also called irritable colon, added to this reflux problems “in addition to alterations in organs that intervene in the digestion process such as the gallbladder, the liver and the pancreas”, says Dr. Hoyos.

Our specialist also warns that if, after the attending physician has examined in depth, he does not find any evidence of changes in his digestive system, it can be said that the disorder is functional.

to take into account

  • In these disorders there is always involvement of the feeding part. Eating habits condition the appearance of symptoms.
  • Among the most common signs that can be presented are:
  • Changes in bowel habit. The frequency and time of bowel movements are altered.
  • Acidity in the pit of the stomach.
  • Colicky abdominal pain.
  • The person who suffers from an underlying disease may present a functional disorder due to the number of medicines they consume. By identifying this, the doctor can manage it and reduce the symptoms.
  • Emotional and physical stress can generate functional gastric disorders. “A situation such as a trip, a concern, work, something that changes a person’s routine can cause a disorder of this type,” specifies Dr. Hoyos.
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  • Have good eating habits and consume plenty of water. Eating a healthy and complete diet helps to avoid the appearance of this disorder.
  • Manage stress. There are studies that show that the emotional part affects the function of the digestive system.
  • Avoid restrictive diets. Food intake must be balanced and must contain all food groups.
  • Avoid the cigarette.
  • Perform physical activity, this helps improve intestinal mobility and influences the reduction of stress.

Our Clinic has World-Class Specialists who, with all their knowledge and expertise, care for our patients comprehensively. We also have our Endoscopy Unit that has state-of-the-art technological equipment and a wide range of state-of-the-art endoscopic accessories, in addition to modern facilities and safe environments for the patient and his companion.

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