Virtual Consultation –

  1. Prior to the time of your virtual consultation:
  • Check that your smartphone, tablet or computer has enough battery.
  • Locate yourself in a space with good lighting and quiet.
  • Secure internet connection or mobile data.
  • Check the operation of the audio, microphone and video (front camera).
  1. Enter the virtual room 5 minutes before the appointment time.
  • Option 1: Enter your email to the message where the appointment information was sent and click on the link to access the virtual consultation.
  • Option 2: If your email is from Gmail, remember that you can access through the invitation sent to your calendar, by clicking on the option “Join Hangouts Meet” (See image) or “Join the video call”.
  1. Click on the “Join Now” optionwhich will take you to the virtual room, ensuring that your microphone and camera are activated.

Remember to listen carefully to the questions, recommendations and follow the instructions given by the medical professional. Once the virtual consultation is finished, we will send you the electronic medical record, with their respective medical orders, by email.

Additionally, we will contact you to manage the authorizations and schedule the services that are required, in order to guarantee comprehensive care.

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