Habits for a healthy sexual life

Although we have been told that sexuality only has to do with pleasure and reproduction, there are many benefits that a healthy sex life can bring to our lives: it can positively influence mood, emotional health, physical well-being and is also an important factor in relationships.

But it’s not simply about having frequent sexual activity. What is really important is power living sexuality from responsibility and prevention so that it occurs in a healthy and full way.

Did you know our lifestyle can make the sexual experience more positive? Integrating some healthy habits into your life can be important to achieve a positive impact on our health in general and specifically on our sexual life.

What habits help to have a healthy and fulfilling sexual life?

Sexual life is also part of an optimal state of health. To take care of it and maintain it, our routine must be more focused on the adoption of healthy habits. Below, you will find good habits that will help make your life fuller in all areas.

Take care of your health

Carrying out regular checkups allows us to be sure that everything is fine and, if there is any anomaly, helps us detect it in time to take action. In the specific case of sexual and reproductive health, it allows us to diagnose and treat any condition that may arise in time.

Take care of your hygiene habits

Hygiene is a very important factor for health care in general, but it is even more so when it comes to sexuality. In addition, it constitutes a demonstration of respect and care towards our partner.

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Protect yourself

Although it may sound repeated, prevention is essential to have a healthy sexual life and protect our partner from some risks that sexual contact may entail. The use of can avoid many headaches.

Cultivate healthy relationships

Relating in a healthy way with our partner not only guarantees our mental well-being, it also prevents us from experiencing stressful situations or exposing ourselves to relationships that could put our physical and mental integrity at risk.

Promotes honest communication

Good communication is essential in relationships and especially when a higher level of intimacy is reached. Talking openly and honestly about sexual desires, needs, and boundaries is the foundation of a respectful relationship.

Know your body

Exploring our body is important to know what we like and what we don’t. Leave behind the myths and taboos around masturbation and allow yourself to get to know your body without feeling guilt or shame.

Practice physical activity

Regular exercise not only has a positive impact on physical and mental health, it is also beneficial when it comes to your sex life. Additionally, it can help improve body image and increase sexual confidence.

Adopt a healthy diet

A healthy and balanced diet has positive effects on all dimensions of our health: physical, mental, emotional and sexual. Nutrient-rich foods can increase energy and libido, while processed and high-fat foods can have the opposite effect.

Get informed

Ignorance about sexuality can have very negative repercussions on our lives. Access to information allows us to have valuable tools to distance ourselves from risky practices and make appropriate use of preventive methods.

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Leave bad habits behind

Alcohol consumption, smoking and a sedentary life can promote the appearance of sexual dysfunctions. If any of them are part of your life, you can work to eradicate them.

Review these habits and work on integrating into your life those that are not yet part of your daily life. Very soon you will begin to experience the positive effects.

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Remember! you have the right to decide about your body

You should know that in addition to taking care of your sexual and reproductive health, the most important thing is that you always have the right to decide if you want to have sexual contact or not. Don’t forget that sexual activity without it is a crime.

In it # Movement We provide tools so that girls, boys, adolescents, men and women know how to protect themselves from sexual abuse and can have a full sexual life.

If you are also convinced that no one has to live an experience as traumatic and painful as sexual violence, We invite you to add your voice to that of hundreds of people who want to say no more to the sexual abuse of our children..

This April 29, we are waiting for you in Yonkers (New York) so that together let’s say No More against this scourge in the. and.