The willpower trap

The willpower it entails an internal struggle that involves suppressing impulses, thoughts and emotions. Despite being considered one of the best virtues, it sometimes backfires, and can lead to tension, stress, and critical thinking.

In this class by David Corbera, he tells us about the importance of differentiating ourselves from the family system, to develop our own purpose and identity.

In this video David Corbera explains how unity consciousness helps us take responsibility for our lives and overcome resistance that prevents us from changing and blocks our development.

If you want to know more about the la method and how to apply it in your life to increase your emotional well-being, follow our social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Difference Between Will and Willpower

What is the will and why is it important?

The will is the capacity that moves human beings to do things on purpose. That is to say, through the will the human being freely decides and chooses a certain conduct.

When we make a decision, the will acts as an energy and power that drives us to expand in lifegoing for what we want and seeking to fulfill a purpose.

When our will and line up, we can cross obstacles without exerting resistance in our walk, because we are acting from coherence.

“If there is something truly divine in us, it is the will. Through it we affirm our personality, we temper our character, we defy adversity, we rebuild our brains and we improve ourselves daily”.

Santiago Ramon y Cajal


When we add the word “force” to “will”it is inevitable not to think about beliefs such as: sIf you want to achieve something in life, you have to discipline yourself, resist temptation, sacrifice, force yourself, or force yourself forward.

Despite the fact that it is usually conceived as a virtue, this “willpower” is not only counterproductive for the purpose of but also considerably affects our health and esteem.

Exercising willpower is forcing our behavior and wanting to control it to achieve something without making changes at a deep level. This causes us to experience continuous stress, because there is an internal struggle to suppress and control our thoughts and emotions.

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“Instead of being your thoughts and emotions,

I know the conscience behind them.”

By doing so we believe that we are managing our emotional states, but in reality we are. repressing and evading. when we act from the force, we do not listen to our needs, and, many times, not even to our bodybecause the mind is being guided by unconscious beliefs.

While when we act voluntarily we connect with our inner power and we move being aware of what we do it for. In other words, it is not about not carrying out actions that require effort and discipline, but about accompanying these actions of inquiry, awareness and empathy towards oneself.

What to do if I don’t have willpower?

we can start by rephrase the question:

Do I really want to do this?

Why do I want to do it?

What positive intention or benefit do I gain by staying as I am?

What can happen if I do?

Saying “I don’t have willpower” is an excuse based on the story we tell ourselves to make sense of our inactivity and that is precisely the “story” that prevents us from changing.

conscious observation

The will does not require strength, and, for this, we must learn to be good observers. So that? To recognize our true intentions behind our decisions and also the secondary benefits that we obtain by staying as we are and that, perhaps, are the main obstacle to moving forward.

Having more or less will also depends on the type of thoughts we feed, observe your internal dialogue when you want to get something:

whatWhat do you say to yourself?

Are they thoughts that empower, encourage and inspire you?

Are they thoughts that justify you?

Remember that where you put your attention, you put your energy and, therefore, it is what you will promote.

“We don’t do things because they are difficult,

they are difficult because we dare not do them.”


How to achieve your goals without willpower

The first and fundamental thing is what do we really want, in order to set a course. If I don’t decide where I’m going, How will I move? In what direction?

Think that when you want to get somewhere and you use a GPS you put an address or some coordinates, to move in life is the same. Life surprises you when you choose where you want to go, but if you don’t decide, you get stuck.

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What makes us need willpower?

ANDthey exist beliefs that somehow condition us and generate resistance in our advance. These manifest in our state of mind or in something we believe about ourselves. For example, to recognize them you can ask yourself

Throughout our lives, and above all When we were littlewe were receiving information about what the world was like, how things should be or should be done and we did this through the eyes of

At that age we do not dare to question what they tell us because we depend on them for our survival, however as adults we can choose new beliefs that empower us.

Transform our beliefs to strengthen our will

The , when they are taken as absolute truths, they prevent us from going beyond them and we even want to defend them. For this reason, although many times we want to do something, we do not have the will to carry it out. This is so because still we obtain some benefit of which we are not aware.

Beliefs are neither good nor bad, because at the time it was what we learned. but yes we can have the flexibility to replace them for others more coherent with our current life. With these changes we can exercise the power of our will and go for what we love so much.

However, it is necessary to know that behind each action, even if we do not like it, there is a positive intention, something that is important to ourselves.

For example, , keeping his same ideas, because we do not want to create a disorder in the systemfor fear of being the and be rejected. But when doing we give up our own will and freedom.

What moves the will?

Trust and learn to live in When we recognize that thoughts are only a possibility and not a fact, we can question any type of belief, because it is the brain that proposes a thought.

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If we take responsibility for what we think and realize that today we have more tools that the moment we learn these beliefs, we will be able to trust ourselves again and the skills we acquire.

So when we look at the past and , gratitude opens the doors to what we want to live, we are not worried about what will come. We know sustain uncertainty when we live in the now and thus open ourselves to all the possibilities that life offers us.

The will from Bioneuroemoción®

The decisions our will

The will is the conscious ability to choose what we want and this decision is driven by an energy that invites us to move from power.

So that challenges and difficulties are perceived as . Thanks to the will we can make the necessary changes to live in coherence with our decisions.

As Dr Davis Hawkins said, speaking of the distinction of power and strength: “The states in which the personal self intervenes are marked by effort, and those others in which we align ourselves with true power, is that we can flow with it.”

“Power” and willpower

We understand by I personallyto that part of the identity that perceives itself as separate from everyone and that is in conflict with the “outside” worldSo you need to work hard.

In other words, he uses willpower because he considers himself a victim of circumstances, he is not in touch with his essence and he resists change.

While power arises when we connect with our inner wisdom and our essence. We know that we are not separate from each other, but that there is a universal intelligence or energy to which we belong, which sustains life and ourselves.

The method of the Bioneuroemotion® uses day-to-day conflicts to identify those that are manifested in our reality and that limit us when making decisions, which sometimes we justify as “I have no willpower”.

Its objective is to change perception and learn to develop the consciousness of unity, so that we can achieve connect with ourselves and with our true “power”.

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