How to reduce cortisol and lower anxiety levels –

What do you know about him cortisol? It is considered the stress hormone. It is secreted by the adrenal glands. However, the brain directs its production through the pituitary gland.

Cortisol helps respond to stress, but when the production of this hormone is excessive and prolonged, it has a negative impact on the body and human health, triggering anxiety.

However, there are a series of strategies that allow you to control this hormone. Most of them related to a healthy life style.

12 effective measures to control cortisol levels

An adequate sleep pattern

Sleeping little and resting poorly is fertile ground for the development of stress.

To stabilize cortisol, it is recommended to sleep around eight hours each day.

Relaxation techniques

Many times, exaggerated increases in stress are due to worries and anxieties related to the daily whirlwind of life.

Several studies show that meditation and relaxation contribute to cortisol control.

Do sports regularly

Various studies also show that regular exercise relieves anxiety symptoms.

Balanced diet

Certain research links high levels of cortisol with the consumption of fast food, saturated fats and poor nutrition.

Eating slowly, taking care of chewing, doing it calmly and following a Mediterranean diet model favor the reduction of cortisol and stress.

Avoid caffeine

Caffeine increases cortisol levels sharply, causing great nervousness. Therefore, it is advisable to give up coffee, tea and even dark chocolate.

A diet rich in omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids help naturally regulate cortisol levels. They are present in certain foods such as vegetable oils, fish and shellfish.

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Attention to phenylalanine

Phenylalanine is an amino acid that intervenes in the secretion of dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in pleasurable and relaxation sensations.

We find this substance in many foods: fish, eggs, red meat, dairy products, legumes, etc.

Take care of your vitamin C consumption

Vitamin C also helps in the secretion of dopamine, so it can help reduce stress levels. Kiwis, oranges, tangerines, cherries, strawberries… are foods rich in this vitamin.

Keep the body properly hydrated

A dehydrated body is more vulnerable to stress and causes cortisol levels to increase. For this reason, a correct daily fluid intake must be followed. Many experts maintain that the ideal amount is eight glasses of water a day.

Control blood sugar

Excessive consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates is not good for mental health and can contribute to the generation of stress.

Have a fluid and healthy social life

Pleasant social relationships, based on affection, produce the release of oxytocin. If cortisol is known as the stress hormone, oxytocin is one of the so-called happiness hormones.

Recent research has shown that the oxytocin It is key to lowering stress and cortisol levels. It so happens that when cortisol levels are very high, the body produces little oxytocin. The opposite phenomenon also occurs: the more oxytocin, the less cortisol.

Lead a more organized lifestyle

One of the main causes of stress is leading a disorganized lifestyle. Being proactive in the organization and having order in your schedules will prevent cortisol alarms from going off.
