How to talk to the subconscious? 6 tips that will help you

Have you ever heard it said that our subconscious deals with most of the basic processes of the human being? Although we usually think that we can control all of the actions we take, a large part of them are carried out by our subconscious.

In addition to the activities that we perform automatically such as breathing or pumping blood, for example, our Subconscious collects information and processes experiences without us realizing it and can also be responsible for helping us achieve success.

Although it sounds a little strange, each person can communicate with their subconscious, this can be very beneficial to achieve our goals and the full life we ​​long for. Likewise, in some cases, it is possible that our subconscious mind is what prevents us from moving forward in life, since it also holds limiting beliefs.

Is it possible to communicate with the subconscious?

As you see, our subconscious mind can be very powerful. Therefore, today I share with you some tips that will help you communicate effectively with your subconscious.

Have continuous communication

If you only eventually communicate with your subconscious, it happens like when you talk to someone just to ask for favors. It is important that communication with your subconscious becomes a habit.

Be very clear

When we want to express something to our subconscious, it is essential that we be very clear with it, otherwise, not only can it become confused, it is also possible that it will lead you to obtain results that are not expected.

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Always use positive language

Avoid talking about problems or difficulties with your subconscious. You should always speak in terms of what you really want. When you express that you don’t want something, your subconscious does not adequately process the negative parts so that if you don’t want to be sick, it will focus on illness.

Ask your subconscious questions

Another way to communicate with your subconscious can be through specific and direct questions, waiting for a response, which can come through images, feelings or thoughts.

Use positive affirmations

Surely you have already heard about positive affirmations and how powerful they are. Many of the things that are stored today in our subconscious mind are there thanks to repetition. Through positive affirmations we can not only transform our way of thinking, but also our reality.

Find inspiration

Identifying people who have achieved success and whom you really admire will make it clear to your subconscious that it is possible to achieve your dreams. We often discourage ourselves by thinking that our goals are difficult to achieve or are very far from our reach.

Commit to yourself

Making a promise to yourself and putting it above all else can help you connect with what you want to achieve, and it will also help you overcome adversity.

The subconscious can be your best ally or your worst enemy. You can make the decision and transform your reality.

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The conditioned mind

We all have a conditioned mind, we have a programming that leads us to our thoughts and these lead us to our emotions, which in turn generate actions that produce results. Changing our programming is the only way to obtain different results.

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The conditioned mind is created from childhood and factors such as what you heard at that stage of life. The example of the people who raised you also has to do with your programming. Additionally, The experience of what you have lived is involved in said programming.

Become more aware of that conditioned mind and ask yourself questions about the programming you have, it is essential to change it and take action.

If you want to know more about the power of your mind, I invite you to. Also in you will be able to find valuable tools to learn to, Make the most of positive affirmations and reprogram your mind.

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