Six keys to correcting children assertively

Parenting is always a demanding task, since it is influenced by numerous mental, physical, social, economic, etc. factors. Here we tell you some keys to consider when you have to correct the little ones.

Home and correction

Both children and parents are in constant relationship with the aforementioned aspects, therefore, the education of a child and their behavior is not something that is built only at home; however, yes It is in the home where the first relationships, symbolic, mental and emotional constructions of children take place.hence the central importance of the family in the social development of the minor.

The task of correcting behavior in our children is not easy either. Especially if said correction has to do with aggressive behavior such as bullying or bullyingsince this frames a aggressive behavior that must be attended to.

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We must know that there lies a relevant aspect when it comes to childish behavior, but it is not the only one. Therefore, it is relevant to attend to the causes of the child’s aggressive or inappropriate behavior to know how to discipline him assertively. In our article, we explain more broadly the implications and type of emotional bond that children build in relation to their parents and the consequences that these have on their behavior.

How to correct our children if they attack others?

Having considered the importance of optimizing relationships between parents and childrenand being aware that a large part of the behavioral causes of minors lies in this linkwe must know that correction is also a process that involves care and understanding, especially if they have been aggressive or have put someone else at risk.

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When correcting our children, who we know have put other people at risk, we must opt ​​for being assertive and empathetic. Therefore, it is important to take into account the following recommendations:

  1. Choose the right time: Consider whether it is ideal to do it in private and express the specific action that we consider should be corrected.
  2. Don’t generalize: that is to say, focus on behavior inadequate without making it feel like everything the child does puts others at risk; do not make comparisons It is also very important, since correcting cannot become an emotional discharge against the child, which can have emotional consequences and lead to greater aggression.
  3. Do not generate fear or threats: We must focus on reflecting on the risk generated and guiding the child’s reasoning and ideas about said behavior.
  4. Make the child see the possible consequences of his behavior: help the minor understand the damage that his behavior could cause to others and to himselfor can empower you to reflect on your actions and, at the same time, find understanding in your parents or caregivers to improve their behavior.
  5. Avoid any type of abuse and disrespect, this includes raise the tone of your voiceuse words with hostile and/or humiliating language in any way to the minor. Dialogue and respect must always prevail, maintaining calm, otherwise fear could be generated and lead to new emotional and behavioral problems.
  6. Using active listening is important: It is very likely that the child’s aggressive behavior arises, in part, from the need toer listened and wants to express the reasons why he carries out this behaviorwhich can help you recognize it, accept it and modify it in a positive way with the guidance from their caregivers.
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Solid foundations of respect can stop aggression

Harassment it’s a unwanted aggressive behavior that generates discomfort in another person. Starting from this meaning, it is important to implement solid foundations of respect in children, healthy attachment bonds during early childhood and during later development, and a tolerant and plural education in children. This allows the minor to develop respect and empathy, values ​​that help to have emotional participation. of the reality of the other and do not lead to abuse or aggressiveness.

Cultivating respect will prevent any type of harassment from occurring, whether at school, sexual, work, cyber, psychological, physical or any other form of harassment that may occur in childhood or adulthood.

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