Hypnosis: emotion always surfaces

In this article we will see how hypnosis, among other resources, can help to understand and overcome any conflict that remains in our unconscious and that, sooner or later, will manifest itself in some way, even when we believe that it will disappear if we ignore it.

This is because we are an indivisible unit, so the emotion that we seek to cover can be expressed, for example, in the form of a physical symptom, as a mental health problem, or simply through emotional discomfort or dissatisfaction.

Understanding and managing our emotions is key to maintaining our emotional and physical well-being. In this conference, Enric Corbera presents different tools aimed at discovering where our blocks come from in order to recover emotional freedom.

In this video, Curro Aguilar shares what emotions are and how feelings arise. He explains some strategies to influence both, to get to the root of our conflicts and to manage our emotional reactions in a more beneficial and constructive way.

If you want to know more about the la method and how to apply it in your life to increase your emotional well-being, follow our social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

we are holistic beings

The human being is an integrated, holistic whole. However, we often suffer from a lack of balance between the mind, the emotions and the body, and we somatize what we voluntarily or involuntarily.

To restore this balance, it is necessary that to relate openly with our environment and to stop keeping things to ourselves.

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Is there emotional procrastination?

Procrastinating means leaving for tomorrow what we can do today. If we take it to the emotional realm, we can understand it as that lack of engagement with our emotionsfear of facing conflicts, avoiding .

Sometimes we prefer to stay in that that, although it is not pleasant, keeps us in the realm of what we know and what we are used to. It includes our thought patterns, feelings, and behaviors.whether they are beneficial or not.

“There are three monsters that do not allow us to move forward: «I have to do it well», «you have to treat me well», and «the world must be easy».

Leaving facing difficulties until tomorrow, perhaps hoping that things will resolve themselves, does not mean that they are not influencing us.

Conversion disorder and hypnosis

What is conversion disorder?

This curious mental condition is grouped under the hysterical disorder and is manifested by blindness, paralysis or other symptoms of the nervous system, but without a biological basis. This means that diagnostic tests show no physiological changes that can be addressed with established protocols.

According tothis table has a relational basis:

“It derives from the need to communicate and every day there are more lonely people. The cause is a deep conflict that has not been expressed, neither verbally nor in interpersonal relationships with its environment… and the body expresses it! Why an emotion always surfaces, always!Sooner or later, one way or another.”.

The unusual thing is that, although they are involuntary symptoms -the patient does not fake them-, they occur only when they are with other people, adds Dr. Gironell.

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“There are patients who manifest physical symptoms because they have seen it in others without having decided. The unconscious imposes a disabling somatic dysfunction that eludes biology and the conscious..

“Your body is telling you that something is wrong inside of you and that you are not seeing it.”

Hypnosis as a tool to express our emotions

Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state of mind in which the person does not lose consciousness and collaborates, since it is predisposed to the use of this method.

In his office, Dr. Gironell addresses conversion disorder with clinical hypnosis, which increases the patient’s ability to suggest. This allows you to process metaphorical messages that the unconscious understands.

“It is the language of the unconscious. Once the conflict is located, we metaphorize it into a story, a tale… and immediately afterwards we also metaphorize its resolution”.

“What is easiest to see is often overlooked”

In this way, the person can access their unconscious and recognize their emotional states. This will allow him to express them in an adaptive way that favors his well-being and promotes his personal growth.

Ericksonian Hypnosis and Bioneuroemotion

From Bioneuroemoción we consider that emotions make us live experiences that unite the past, present and future.

So that we can necessary change the perception and, consequently, the emotions in relation to something that we believe happened to us in the past and that manifests itself in the present.

To make it, one of the techniques used in consultation is Ericksonian Hypnosisa simple method developed by the.

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The goal of using hypnosis is generate a state of focused conscious attention with a momentary dissociation that allows access to unconscious abilities, although these are usually considered inaccessible..

It is an optimal methodology since it allows reaching the state of relaxation necessary to be able to change the perception of a situation and thus be able to manage it in a different way.

During a hypnosis session, the person does not lose their will, but is open to receiving information that allows them to make changes that are difficult to achieve in a conscious state.


To let our emotions express our unconscious in a healthy wayboth to think and to act, and one of the most direct paths is.

Release consciousness from fixed and immovable positions so that new learning can occur.

Emotions are our allies. Understanding and embracing them can be an exhilarating path of evolution and growth.

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