Fall asleep: tips to combat insomnia

Do you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep at night? Do you feel like you haven’t been able to sleep well? Have you ever wondered what is the point of insomnia?

Insomnia is the disorder of more common in the adult population. Almost everyone has experienced it at some point to a greater or lesser extent. But for some people it is not something occasional, but rather a problem that profoundly affects their quality of life.

In this article we talk about the habits that harm our rest Y We propose different strategies to fall asleep quickly and rest better. The goal is that everyone, according to their particular circumstances, can find their own “tricks to sleep” in a restful way every night.

When it comes to having a restful rest, inner peace is key. In this conference, Enric Corbera explains what inner peace really is and what resources we have to recover it.

In this video, Enric Corbera answers various questions related to dreams, nightmares, difficulties sleeping in certain circumstances and insomnia.

If you want to know more about the la method and how to apply it in your life to increase your emotional well-being, follow our social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube.

Bad sleeping habits

The origin of insomnia is multifactorialand among its most common causes are neurological, psychiatric or other medical conditions.

Regardless of its origin or type, one of the main reasons that cause our difficulty in falling asleep at night is and, especially, those that we have just before sleeping.

Most of the approaches to insomnia only emphasize these factors, which, although it is very useful, may not be enough to have a more general and complete vision of the problem.

Habits that keep us awake and tips to change them

Next, we will review some of the fundamental points that are usually taken into account when recognizing the habits that prevent falling asleep quickly and sleeping well, in order to change them:

The food and drinks we consume influence our body’s ability to rest

The consumption of stimulant drinks (coffee, taurine…), tobacco, narcotic substances, sugar or foods that are difficult to assimilate can be the cause of decreased quantity and quality of sleepdue to the over-excitation that they cause in the organism.

a healthy not only relieves hunger and thirst, but also facilitates the body’s ability to rest.

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Taking into account that chronic sleep loss can gradually undermine our healthwe must consider eating a healthy diet not only to nourish our body, but to promote our rest and well-being.

Physical exercise and a sedentary lifestyle have the ability to alter sleep

An excessively sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect our desire to sleep and the quality of our rest.

Many authors, such as Max Hirshkowitz – sleep researcher and professor at the Baylor University School of Medicine – point to the sedentary lifestyle as one of the main causes of chronic insomniaabove factors such as pain and anxiety.

Hirshkowitz’s research showed that 75 percent of people who do some regular physical activity have a more restful sleep.

Therefore, if this is your case, try practicing a sport or a more intense physical or mental activity during the day so that your have greater reasons and need to rest

“If there is no activity, the body receives the message that there is nothing to recover, so sleep is not required. It is as if the body is always resting”

– Neurologist and expert in sleep medicine

How we “feed” our mind before bed can influence insomnia

Before going to sleep, one a relative or friend, watch television programs or read books related to the suspense, intense action, horror, violence…can cause the body to go into .

Rodrigo Córdoba – president of the Latin American Psychiatric Association (APAL) – affirms that “Stress clearly stimulates the alert systems in the organism and prepares it for the fight, and in that condition nobody sleeps”

If you usually can’t fall asleep quickly and don’t usually get restful sleep, you can and transform them. The ideal is to dedicate the time before going to bed to do what relaxes you the most and turn it into a self-care ritual.

Also, turn off the TV, computer or mobile a few hours before to begin to relax, gradually decreasing physical, mental and emotional activity.

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Environmental factors influence the ability to fall asleep

Do you have your room associated with rest? In many cases, create a space to rest it ends up feeding itself with rest itself. Try to give each function a place to induce your unconscious what to facilitate at all times with a simple conditioning.

Although we are aware of various habits that help us fall asleep and minimize and deal with the symptoms associated with insomnia, we also know that there are people who do not meet any of these requirements and sleep peacefully, while others despite having all these habits still report difficulties. Let’s look at it in a deeper way.

“I can’t sleep despite my best efforts, what’s wrong with me?”

Excessive control and difficulty falling asleep

It is important to understand that not to sleepa reason to remain vigilant.

Therefore, the first thing we must do is respect that and observe it with understanding and tolerance. It is useless to want to “force” yourself to sleepsince we will get the opposite effect.

“Having a calm mind and a happy mood at mealtimes and bedtimes is one of the precepts whose practice contributes the most to prolonging life”

Francis Bacon

One of the most common traits in people with recurring sleep problems is their .

“Release” and accept the situation as it stands is a condition sine qua non to begin to overcome the circumstance in an appropriate way. Is about adapt to the flow of what happens instead of rowing against the current and exhausting yourself senselessly.

The most ecological position would be to flow with it while trying to understand . Instead of fighting it, relax and allow your body to rest without expectations or needs.

There is no such thing as wasted time, only wasted time living in that is, the one that happened and the one that is to come.

Perhaps this is a moment in which you have something pending to reflect on, a moment of intimacy with yourself that you have not allowed yourself and your body needs. In those moments of pause you may wonder:

  • What do I have to watch out for?
  • What should I watch out for?
  • What danger is there in falling asleep?
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The cause of not falling asleep may be biological

We must not forget that Biologically, night is a time when we are helpless and with greatly diminished attention.

Staying awake can be a suitable solution for the unconscious. Remember that at this level We can’t tell what’s real from what’s and, therefore, a symbolic threat can be seen reflected in a physiological adaptive response that keeps us alert: insomnia.

The problem is that, as Barbara Phillips, another Baylor University researcher, points out, “Those who don’t sleep well have three times more difficulty staying awake during the day.”

A) Yes, your alertness is steadily diminishedwhich can still generate and exacerbate your insomnia problem.

How to avoid future problems to fall asleep?

Staying awake during the day is the best “trick” to sleep well

What did you say for the art of sleep, one must be awake all day”. That is, to understand our lack of rest we must identify what they are .

Review your day to day to recognize What are the stressful situations that usually come to mind at night?. You may have tasks to solve, or perhaps there is a subject that you constantly avoid because you find it distressing or dangerous.

There are cases of insomnia in which the person has been delaying a others in which . Perhaps you are experiencing a situation that you cannot bear and do not stop to continue living it without changing, so as not to get out of its limiting and harmful .

and there are so many emotional conflicts related to insomnia as particular cases exist. Nevertheless, can help us manage it in another way.

“At night I can’t sleep. To understand things, it is necessary to reflect on them.
Lu Xun.

Learn to deal with our conflicts, challenges and resolutions during the day It is the best tool that will allow us to rest when the night comes.

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