Family secrets –

Family secrets define much of our unconscious information

Do you know your family secrets? Do you know to what extent they could be conditioning you? Each family tree accumulates information from generations. This information, like energy, is not created or destroyed, it is only transformed.

We receive from our ancestors much more than a material inheritance. In this podcast, Enric Corbera explains how the experiences of our ancestors, the unsaid and the secrets constitute a psycho-emotional legacy, with its positive and negative aspects, that marks our lives and that we call the family shadow.

The origin of the conflicts that we experience recurrently in our lives is in the experiences we have lived, mainly during childhood, but also in the events that marked our mother’s pregnancy, our conception and even the experiences of our ancestors.

In this video, Victor Villalobos explains the origin of emotional legacies and how we can transcend them to make free and coherent decisions.

Transgenerational Family Secrets

know the from compassion is the first step to transcend the information they carry and be able to live our own life.

Our family history contains fundamental information for our development. In it is the explanation of what attracts us and what repels us. Learn to distinguish the How our ancestors felt in certain situations It will allow us to understand the way we react to situations we experience.

While we are not aware of the information of our ancestors we live conditioned by their experiencesfor his way of solving things, of establishing and, ultimately, by his way of seeing life.

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Family Secrets Example: The Jennifer Case Teege

Jennifer Teege is 45 years old, German, black, married with two children. A few years ago discovered, by chance, that his maternal grandfather was an SS commander and head of a concentration campThey called him The Butcher of Plaszow.

In his book “My grandfather would have executed me” tells her story: With only four weeks to live, her mother left her in an orphanage and at the age of three she was adopted by a family. From that moment on, she had sporadic encounters with her biological mother who never told her the truth: “I was so for having hidden it from me, that I ignored how hard his life had been”.

In 2008, he discovered a book about the family that told stories about his ancestors and the horrors his grandfather committed. “One morning, at the age of 38, I went to the library and my attention was caught by a red book, ‘Do I have to love my father?’, by a journalist I didn’t know. There were photographs of a woman who reminded me of my mother and of an older woman in the same dress that she had seen on my grandmother”.

“I was only able to start my authentic life, to have an identity, when my ”.

You want to share your process because for more than 20 years he lived a deep depression that, he says, is related to his: “Shame and the guilt they are very toxic feelings that affect all your actions and your whole life”. The feeling of guilt remains in the subconscious even though she has not been the author of her grandfather’s acts. She says that he has told his children who their ancestors are so that they can live their own lives.

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3 Different Ways to Understand Family Secrets

There are investigations in the field of psychiatry such as the one presented by Boszormenyi-Nagy and Geraldine M. Spark in his book “” in which they maintain that “The understanding of human relations passes through the interpretation of the ”.

“There is magic in love, as poets and lovers well know. I do not intend to violate that sanctuary. But our imperatives are tangible, knowable. And I firmly believe that the better we understand our human heritage, the more we will master it and the broader our free will will be.

Helen Fisher.

From another point of view Nicholas Shea, professor of philosophy at the University of London, speaks of “adaptive transgenerational effects” in your article Two modes of transgenerative information transmission

And, from another perspective, science journalist Annie Murphy Paulexposes in his talk the main studies that confirm that “The most important learning happens before birth”. already in his book Origins. How the Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives explore “What makes us who we are?” through visits to laboratories with research in progress and interviews with experts from around the world.

Family secrets and Bioneuroemotion

The Bioneuroemotion suggests that the type of experience we live is or an echo of information present in our clan and that, upon knowing it, we can free ourselves from unconscious conditioning and go one step further towards emotional well-being.

To transform this information into learning we must be able to observe it with a innocent look, without judgment. Every act, every behavior and every circumstance has a context and a reason for being, the more we refuse to understand it, the more we refuse to understand ourselves and the system we belong to. part, consequence and solution.

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