3 books that will make you see the world in a different way –

1. The anti-cancer power of emotions

The , oncologist and specialist in nuclear physics and neuropsychology at the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital in Montreal in Canada, writes to invite us to be the protagonists of our lives. For this, it is essential to attend to our emotions when they manifest and not go over them. He stresses that the disease is multifactorial and that the social, biochemical, emotional, nutritional, electromagnetic environment, etc., participates in the formation of pathologies.

The book mixes results of scientific experiments with testimonials from cancer patients. In this way, the text presents several voices at the same time to reach a common point: “and constantly exchange information with the physical.” And this physical world is only “the tip of the iceberg, the ultimate manifestation of an essentially immaterial world.” These are the words of a doctor who speaks from clinical experience.

2. Rediscover life

What happens is that we have been “trained” to believe that without that thing or without that person we cannot. And we condition our state of peace to our attachments. We forget that “We are not here to change the world! We are here to love you!” And to love means to see and understand.

(Bombay, 1931- New York, 1987) was a Jesuit priest whose works encourage awakening. That is why when we begin to read this text we must be prepared to be shaken at each paragraph. He tells us that our life is a mess we don’t want to get out of, just like when we’re sick we don’t want healing, only relief. And so we live, without allowing life to manifest itself because “we hate everything that is new.” However “it is not too late” to enjoy the extraordinary of life without stress.

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3. The hero within

There are many who confirm that our daily activity is governed by our unconscious in almost 98%. In this unconscious mind personal, family, collective and universal information is stored. Archetypes are like archaic remnants that express instincts from a biological point of view. What he proposes to us in is a look into our depths to be able to go out into the world with a specific course.

It is possible that many of us have wondered what is the ? to which the author responds with another question: What story are you living? In order to be ourselves, what we essentially are, we must first know what role we have clung to without even realizing it. What is certain is that we are at some specific stage of our evolution. By reading the pages of this book we are recognizing ourselves in an amazing way.

One allows us to know the information that is conditioning our life and that can be represented in a conflict or in a biological response. For this, he proposes another way of seeing life different from the one we have been taught. These three books come to complement this way of seeing the world, from the perspective that we are the necessary protagonists of our lives.

“Reality is not disturbing, it is not problematic. If the human mind did not exist, there would be no problems.”

Anthony DeMello.

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