What are beliefs and how to strengthen them

To what extent do we decide what we want or what we think? How can we transform what limits us? Is it possible to develop emotional freedom?

The answers to these questions have a lot to do with our beliefs and in this article we will see how we can use them to evolve.

In this podcast Enric Corbera explains how unconscious beliefs They determine our way of perceiving the world. Share examples of the main limiting beliefs, which are what prevent us from changing, leading us to repeat stories over and over again.

In this video Enric Corbera explains why it is essential transform our beliefs to overcome our limitations and change our reality.

If you want to learn more about the la method and how to apply it in your life to increase your emotional well-being, follow us on our social networks: YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

Beliefs, what are they and how do they affect us?

The beliefs are cognitive schemata or ideas about how the world is and works, and how one should act. Based on them we choose, often unconsciously, a concrete reality from among infinite options.

We acquire certain beliefs throughout our development and we believe to be true. Therefore, they are convictions that should not be confused with objective truth.

“Your beliefs are not made of realities.

It is your reality that is made of beliefs”

Richard Bandler

In this way, they define and qualify what happens to us. In this sense, they affect our preferences, decisions and actions and, consequently, the results we obtain.

Belief Examples

Everybody we have unlimited capacity and potential. However, from an early age our self-concept and our way of experiencing life are limited by certain socialization structures such as family and school.

During the first years of life we ​​internalize beliefs inspired by attitudes, phrases and thoughts of grandparents and other influential people in our childhood, the ones that are limiting us.

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They refer to all aspects of lifeas the values, Y the job, and parenting, among others.

“Children don’t cry”, “You have to work hard to earn your bread”, “Your happiness is our happiness”, “All the rich are thieves”, “When you get married you lose your freedom”, “You can’t trust the men”, “Dirty laundry is washed at home”, are some examples of beliefs very installed.

Types of beliefs: limiting and empowering

The beliefs we have internalized throughout life They can benefit us or work against us.

The most important is avoid using any of them in an inflexible way, even those that at first seem empowering, since they can limit us. For example, if I think “I can achieve anything I set my mind to”I can experience an internal conflict in the case of not achieving something.

So, it is the use we make of beliefs that makes them limiting or empowering.

Conscious Beliefs: The Shift to Emotional Freedom

Beliefs are like roots that lead us to position ourselves in an interpretation of what we observe,.

Our belief system has been formed through numerous events that according to what our family, social, cultural environment, etc., has believed.

When we take these beliefs as certainties, they function as that prevent us from going beyond them, because That is, we identify with them and, therefore, we feel forced to defend them and live according to the guidelines that set us.

Nevertheless, as adults we can become aware of them and question them, in order to be able to transform them.

How to transform personal beliefs

We don’t see the world as it is we see the world as we areand it is important to take a proactive role in our difficulties.

Always question everything, from the most doubtful to the most obviousis the first step to open the mind to a more holistic vision, to a, understanding that what we see is the reflection of our unconscious beliefs.

“When we look at our lives, we may be looking directly at our truest, and sometimes most unconscious, beliefs reflected in the mirror”

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Beliefs that keep us trapped in an inflexible way of living and cause us to experience a constant loop in our lives, are usually far from our level of consciousness.

Usually, we have an explanation for what is happening to us and we cling to it for fear of letting go of control of our lives. So unconsciously deeper outside of us avoiding, in this way, taking responsibility.

Questioning our beliefs to create the life we ​​want

We complain about the life we ​​have built, doing nothing, afraid of what any change might imply. We find it easier to cling to what is known than to leave behind the justifications to start acting coherently.

In this way, not to we do not question and we hope that the change we so long for is external, that someone or something comes to “save” us.

in his book I am that Nissagardata Maharaj explains: “To question the habitual is the duty of the mind. What the mind has created, the mind must destroy. (…) The way to the truth passes through the destruction of the false. To destroy the false, you must question your most deeply held beliefs.”.

Therefore, if we do not question our beliefs we can come to think that It is what our mind tells us.

Precisely, the experiences we complain about are excellent opportunities to identify our beliefs deeper personal relationships, transcend our history, let go of our conditioning and that is not the repetition of the past.

To believe is to create

Curiously, the first person singular of the present indicative of the verb to believe and that of the verb to create are written exactly the same: I think.

Already said in Three exemplary novels and a prologue, reflecting on religious faith: “And faith is the source of reality, because it is life. To believe is to create”. The writer claimed that we could create with imagination and that “Faith is not believing in what we did not see, but creating ”.

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“Your beliefs become thoughts,

your thoughts become your words,

your words become deeds

your actions become your habits,

your habits become your values,

your values ​​become destiny”

Mahatma Gandhi

Our abundance reflects our beliefs

That our abundance depends on luck or hard work is one of the most widespread beliefs. But, they are in our minds and do not obey only the context.

Contacting abundance requires observing ourselves conscientiously until discovering and . The most common are related to fear of lack, comparison, victimhood and lack of self-confidence.

Meanwhile, the mental states that They are gratitude, collaboration, the strength of intention and the balance between giving and receiving.

Beliefs and Bioneuroemotion

Life is what we make of it. What is outside is an effect and the cause is ourselves.

invites us to understand, through our experiences, that The main belief that takes away our emotional freedom is the belief that we are all separate.

Therefore, we have to give up the truth of our beliefs to allow what we have not even imagined to happen, to stop putting filters between reality and us, and for life to express itself in all its potential.

«The collapse of a belief creates a new dimension of the subject, forcing him to lead his personality along an axis located outside the plane of that one.»

– Juan Benet

The Bioneuroemotion method uses day-to-day conflicts to identify those unconscious beliefs that manifest in our reality, in order to transform them into other empowering ones.

It is about recognizing our beliefs in order to transform them and choose, at all times, to use those that allow us to broaden our perception and become the creators of the life we ​​want to live.

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