Why it is difficult for me to sleep with my partner – causes and advice



I don’t know what happens in all my relationships, I slept the whole night like a little angel. Two years ago, I separated and now I have a partner, but I find it impossible to sleep with him. I wake up a thousand times a night, the feeling of being burned wakes me up and I feel It’s uncomfortable, can you help me, why is this happening to me now?



I have no idea why my wife doesn’t like sleeping with me, she sleeps in the next room with the girls, when she feels like it she looks for me but when it’s me I have to repeat it to her until I’m tired and nothing. A relationship like that is sad! There are many lonely men and women who would like a stable partner, but we live in an upside-down world!



I have been with my partner for 8 years. Before, sleeping next to her gave me peace, relaxation, it was the best. Nowadays it is different while he sleeps I couldn’t fall asleep I stay awake I feel insecure. Thoughtful. When he is not there, my sleep is normal and I rest as much as I should… what is happening?

María Arelis Vázquez Hernandez


Good morning, when I sleep with my partner, everyone sleeps separately. Only when we have a relationship are we together afterwards and we don’t even bother crying at night on good mornings. 😔



I find that it does not suit my problem, I love my wife very much, she is the light of my life, she illuminates every space in the house, but I cannot fall asleep when I am with her and I go to sleep in the next room which is the living room. There I managed to rest for the next day.
I have been to all couples classes and teparias and none of them have hit the nail on the head, I think the most likely thing is that what happens to us is that we hate everyone, I am a super lonely person and I feel super good like that Don’t think that I don’t like being around her, but when I’m at work I feel great if no one talks to me and no one makes me talk, my world is at peace and I don’t want to know about others or their problems. , I help animals on the streets and I have 2 puppies that continue with me. I help people from a distance and I go to mass every Sunday, I make donations to families that need them and I always make others happy. I don’t find that my love life has problems, it’s just that she doesn’t like it and always tries to find ways to improve it. Maybe we are like that and that’s it, there’s nothing we can do.

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I find it difficult to sleep with my partner



my partner does not accept the separation



Hello… I can’t rest at night and it’s not due to anything I said above, in fact I think it’s because I want to feel that she is not in any danger for me to sleep, and sometimes I even have a presentiment when she goes to sleep. she’s going to wake up and I wake up shortly before her
I know she is not in danger and she should sleep normally but I think it is not possible, when we did not live together I did fall asleep very quickly, sometimes even when I was talking to her on the phone I would fall asleep; I think she may run in the family because my dad is the same, he doesn’t fall asleep until everyone is sleeping or my mom falls asleep.



Impossible to follow the recommendations, I will have to separate, I can’t stand it when the child talks to his cats



My partner sleeps very restlessly, he moves so much that sometimes he goes to the couch to sleep alone. Please help me. thank you



Hello, good morning, Sometimes when I’m sleeping with my girlfriend something strong happens to me, and I see her masturbating under the sheets in the middle of the night, or sometimes she looks at me to see if I’m asleep and touches my face, that makes me insecure. and my sleep is affected, I have spoken with her and she denies that this is so, that these are my ideas, I also spoke with her if I satisfied her in bed, she told me that she liked everything we did that satisfied her, So I don’t understand what’s happening, is it worrying or is it normal? I need to hear the opinion of a third person to see what they recommend.

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See 1 answer Reply


12/26/2018 Hello, good evening.

In response to what you told us, I consider that the most important thing is how you feel with her, if your attitude generates distrust, identify what exactly bothers you or worries you and once she has resolved all your doubts, Think about whether it is something that has to do with you or with her, that way you will be able to better understand and resolve what is happening to you to finally feel better. I hope I could have helped you.

All the best

Maria cerrud


Always when I’m with my boyfriend at night I can’t sleep I stay awake all night. I don’t know why maybe the partner of the previous one is hurting me.

See 1 answer Reply


12/04/2018 Hello Maria, good day.

In response to your question, I recommend that you reflect deeply on your relationship and if there is any issue that both of you have not resolved, evaluate whether you have any problem or situation from the past that has been left hanging. Talk about it with your partner and try to resolve it. Also observe yourself when you sleep alone and compare it when you sleep with him. I hope I could have helped you.

All the best