How to get out of a deep depression – psychological keys

Depression is one of the most common and at the same time most serious mood disorders that exist. It is characterized by a feeling of constant discouragement, frustration and sadness and, if not treated correctly, can worsen into major depressive disorder or deep depression. These types of psychological problems must be addressed very carefully and under the supervision of a professional.

If you want to get ahead, not only will you need some good self-help tips, to know how to get out of a deep depressionyou are going to need willpower, support and the advice that we offer you in the following Psychology-Online article.

What to do to get out of depression

First of all, if you have not been diagnosed with depression, you should go to a specialist to detect exactly what is happening to you. Once you start your treatment process, it is important that you make a series of changes in your lifestyle to. Next, we advise you five dynamics very effective to know how to get out of a deep depression:

1. Focus your first efforts on doing activities

According to the DSM-V diagnostic manual, a characteristic symptom of depression is lack of will or apathy. In order to combat this psychological disorder, it is important to focus your efforts on maintaining activities with which you can maintain your ability to enjoy and have the will to do so.

2. Practice positive thinking and internal dialogue

Self-esteem is a basic pillar of our life, for that same reason, it is very important to maintain a positive dialogue directed at yourself. If much of what you tell yourself is based on comments, criticism, and pressure, you are likely to have more difficulty getting out of a deep depression.

3. Promote your self-esteem

When we are depressed, we tend to get stuck in a spiral of sadness and low self-esteem, not being able to overcome the bumps in life, we sink deeper and deeper, and so on. Some exercises to strengthen self-esteem are positive thinking, cognitive restructuringidentify self-destructive thoughts…

4. Follow your therapist’s advice

If you have gone to a psychologist or psychiatrist for advice during this process, it is important that you pay attention to their advice and requests. Remember that he is a professional who is dedicated to improving people’s emotional states and, as such, he knows what can be good for you. In some cases, a psychiatrist may have prescribed some type of antidepressant for you, and although they should not be taken for an extended period of time, if they have been prescribed to you, you should take them as directed.

5. Appreciate the small details

Despite living through complicated moments, life is full of details full of light that can give us a little hope in this process, learn to appreciate a delicious meal, a quiet walk, a hug… all those things that seem unimportant , end up being key elements to get out of serious depression.

Can you overcome depression alone?

It is normal to think that you are alone and that no one can help you when you are suffering from major depressive disorder. However, it is important that you know that You can’t overcome depression alone. Dare to express your problems to your friends and family and ask for help. If you do not have a supportive social circle, you should contact a professional immediately so that they can advise you and accompany you on your path to personal improvement.

How to get out of serious depression

The first step to get out of this situation is to detect What state is your mind in? and at what level depression affects your daily life. For this, there are several depression tests such as the BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) or Goldberg’s.

Secondly, you must seek help to be able to solve all the problems previously detected. This help can come from friends, family and a specialized mental health team. As we have mentioned, it is very difficult to get out of depression alone.

Treatment and tips to get out of serious depression

Once you go to a professional psychological and/or psychiatric assistance service. It is important that you follow the following tips so that the therapy is more effective:

  • Maintain a routine: Avoid getting up too late and maintain a sleep schedule that allows you to rest and, in turn, have hours of sunshine to enjoy them. The sun activates our nervous system and promotes the production of serotonin.
  • Avoid taking drugs and don’t drink alcohol In excess, substance use is highly related to depression.
  • If you have been given pharmacological treatment, don’t skip taking pills or take them during incorrect times. The psychiatrist has prescribed them to you following some guidelines seeking your improvement. Abrupt withdrawal of psychotropic drugs can worsen depressive symptoms and increase the risk of suicidal behavior.
  • On the other hand, try not to base your improvement on the intake of psychotropic drugs. Although these can help you temporarily for a specific period, it is important avoid dependency towards these.
  • Promotes positive relationships and avoid destructive and toxic people in your life
  • make a life plan and set small goals to achieve it. Nothing happens if you don’t achieve everything, the goal is to take actions aimed at improving your life path.

If the person who has depression is not you but a loved one, you may be interested in knowing.

How to get out of depression without medication

If your symptoms of depression are not too severe, that is, there is no suicidal risk, you can lead a fairly normal routine and maintain some motivation to do activities. It is possible that you can overcome this discomfort without the need to take psychotropic drugs. If you want to know how to do it, you can consult this article: .

Get out of depression and anxiety

There is a phenomenon within psychopathology called comorbidity. This phenomenon is defined as the interaction between two mental illnesses or disorders. In the case of major depressive disorder, it may appear along with some type of anxiety disorder, such as generalized anxiety.

In order to get out of depression and anxiety, both problems must be addressed at the same time, thus preventing one from worsening the process of the other. It is a good way to combat both problems at the same time, exercises based on meditation not only relax our nervous system but also promote positive thinking and emotional well-being.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. Psychiatry, AA (2014). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM V. Washington: Arlington.
  2. Sanz, J., Perdigón, AL, & Vázquez, C. (2003). Spanish adaptation of the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II): 2. Psychometric properties in the general population. Clinic and health, 14(3).
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