What do you do when someone destroys your soul?

What do you do when someone destroys your soul? The philosophy of optimism taken to its extreme point, leads us to the wrong situation of avoiding pain even when we have to experience it. And the only way to overcome that heartbreaking pain that disturbs you inside when someone has hurt you deeply is to live that pain and process it in order to truly heal it. And furthermore, although the wounds heal, there are also scars that hurt again at times to the rhythm of memories, longing or losses.

look to the past

When someone destroys your soul, everything hurts, not only on an emotional level but also on a physical level. Your body hurts because you are tired and exhausted as a result of sadness. Luckily, personal experience is a source of wisdom when facing these types of moments. Therefore, it is advisable to look to the past to remember similar situations in which you did not give up and although you suffered, you overcame a pain that is not eternal.

Focus on you

When your soul hurts, really focus on yourself. Do not feel the moral responsibility to be aware of others because now is the most you have to worry about yourself. When someone is weak, they cannot take care of other people’s worries because they have enough to endure their own pain.

Get as far away as you can from the person who has hurt you. Get her out of your way. Make life pleasant and beautiful for yourself, put the focus on your own well-being. Enjoy a healthy life in contact with nature because these types of plans are therapeutic.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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