Learn to value yourself



How do I learn to value myself because I always think more about other people than myself. I really need help because it’s already happened to me with two loves and I don’t want it to be the same with the third.



I just would like to know how to get out of a relationship that is killing me, I can’t take it anymore.

Esmeralda Machuca Castañon


how to learn to love myself and feel confident in myself

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Look at yourself in the mirror, Esmerelda, and face me, I’m pretty and I’m worth a lot, no one is better than me, because I’m unique, all of that, repeat it always and you’ll see that everything is fine, change the way you dress, buy beautiful things, alphabets, we forget that We are worth a lot and deserve more, don’t forget that we don’t have a whole life to waste it on nonsense, live and be happy



Hello! I feel very devalued by my son Hilario. My whole life thinking and living for him. Always prioritize him. Now he’s dating and doesn’t even want to come on weekends. Is it normal to feel this way?

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Yes of course



Hello Maria, don’t worry, it’s very normal to feel that we are nothing to our children, because we think that they will always be with us, but they are only borrowed, we fulfill ourselves by raising them and teaching them values, making them better people and teaching them that life easy



Hello, I feel very confused, lately I feel very jealous of my husband before, I didn’t feel it, but now I worry a lot, I get very annoyed by simple things that before I didn’t give much importance, even with my children, but it’s more with my husband I feel dissatisfied with the love he gives me.



Hello, I really need someone to listen to me, sometimes I feel that I am worthless and my husband makes me feel that way, he always sees my defects and never the good in me, he makes me feel that I am little to him and that I am worthless. nothing. There are times when I feel like going away but I can’t. I feel desperate. He thinks he doesn’t make me feel bad, but in reality every night I lock myself up and cry while he sleeps. Or I’m going to sleep in another room, I don’t know what to do.

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I think you should stay away from him, go out and enjoy life, if he makes you feel bad, then you shouldn’t be with someone like that, learn to value yourself.



Hello, I have been with my boyfriend for two years and he forbids me from dressing more and I have endured insults and him yelling at me in front of people. Now when someone sees me they tell me that I provoked him. I don’t know why I feel guilty that everything that happens I have the blame

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Well, friend, first you have to make it clear to him that you also deserve respect and if he continues to insult you, then he doesn’t love you and ends up with a better life than a boy who, who knows, is only blinded by jealousy, maybe he’ll get over it.

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It’s not your fault, my friend, besides, I WOULD TELL YOU IF YOU HAVE A RELATIONSHIP, THE BEST FOR YOU IS TO CUT IT OFF OR END IT, Otherwise you will be left burdened with your problems and suffer all the time.



You are free to dress and do with your life what you want. Your boyfriend has to be there to help you, support you and make you happy, not to yell at you and tell you things.



Hello, I feel fear, sadness and loneliness all the time, I have never had a boyfriend, friends or someone who cares; When a boy decided to go out with me, I fell in love with him and I loved him too much, except that he was not interested in me at all, he was only interested in using me for his needs, and he never cared. When he left me, the only thing I wanted for myself was to die; I think that I am not worth anything at all, nor do I deserve anything from people, since whenever someone talks to me he only gets what he needs from me and then walks away. I don’t think it’s good to live like this and that my life is a waste. For this reason I must continue, even if I don’t want to, in this world alone.



Hello, well, my little one is almost 1 year old and I was a very young mother. We had barely been in a relationship for 2 years. He was my first love and I was his, to this day we are still together. The issue is that I hate my body, my skinny legs, my straight breasts, my wrinkled padding without potto. I look ugly and it makes me so angry because so many friends have beautiful bodies and it makes me envious and that makes me even more angry. I have depression. I cry for everything. I don’t care. I want every time I looked in the mirror I ended up crying, I only have 1 friend and I can’t talk to her since she tells me don’t be stupid if you’re pretty. But it doesn’t help me at all when we get ready to go out, I hate seeing her so much because she looks so pretty because her legs are well formed, her legs are big, she’s thin and I end up getting bitter and I pretend that something hurts me so I don’t go out and it’s just out of envy :/ with my partner it bothers me the same when someone pretty walks by next to us and he looks at her 🙁 I don’t know what to do anymore :”( help me



Take care of yourself, love yourself a lot, respect yourself, set your limits, find what you like, everything happens from the criticism of the shit that always wants to throw you to the ground, don’t get obsessed, I value myself, I value myself, I don’t get honest with yourself, I can earn respect, it’s too much. You don’t have respect, you earn it, if you don’t love yourself, who’s going to love you, you’re always on top because when you have to drive you have to be focused. One of the biggest causes of accidents is caused by depression, anxiety, lack of self-confidence, so Damn, oh, I have to be well mirrored and well because it comes out of my balls and in short many things etc etc and for your tatis xdxd so up hahahaha

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Hello, I lasted with my boyfriend for 3 years and now 2 years alone… with the right to respect each other as a couple without having others… it’s just the name really… well my relationship in the past was nice but we usually ended up very More bad on my part…well, he looked for me and I still loved him, so I went back to him but few people know about the relationship I have now and this is really killing me. I have felt very bad this last time and I need to know what I can do. do… I’m afraid because we mainly end up with deception and lies and that enslaves me to not have something more serious… what’s more, he doesn’t want to either, but every time we fight I feel like I can’t be without him… but when he’s far away I feel like I need it to such a degree that my days are torture. I really need good advice and I really don’t even mention it to my friends because every time I’m like this I fix myself up and I’m doing great…and when I tell them, let’s go. He tells me no but nevertheless he tells me that he loves me :/ help me please

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Maite Nicuesa


From what you describe, it is a toxic relationship. I encourage you to talk about the subject with someone very close to you because a healthy relationship is one that can be expressed completely naturally. The first step is to start loving yourself and not confuse love with need.



Hello, Ami, my husband was also unfaithful to me 3 times and I forgive him but I don’t think he’s going to change, he keeps arriving late and so do I. feeling like garbage every time I want to feel like that

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Maite Nicuesa


Share how you feel with the people who love you and think that you deserve a better life and to be happy, whether alone or in the company of someone who respects you and values ​​you. Good luck and Merry Christmas.



Hello, my husband has been unfaithful to me 3 times; I always forgive him and we went on a honeymoon for a year and he does it again, I already left him but I miss him a lot, sometimes we both look for each other and it’s very nice, he accepts that it’s wrong but he doesn’t do anything, I’m not calm anymore. What I do?



Hello, I am 5 months pregnant and my husband, after 10 years, cheated on me again and I discovered it and even though he tells me that he no longer loves me, I am still by his side, I don’t know if it is because of the pregnancy or. Because I can’t sleep thinking about everything I discovered that I can do, I need some good advice.



Hello, a lot of bad things happened to me a year ago, I feel like my mom doesn’t love me, she never told me that she loves me, I don’t know how to understand him, I don’t know my dad and I don’t find meaning in life, I don’t know what to do. I feel like something is in my throat and I can’t say it…

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Saves, I understand you perfectly because I went through the same situation. I have been with my partner for 4 years and all this time I have endured insults, humiliation, mistreatment, in the end… and the truth is that I feel like I don’t value myself. I don’t even love myself for putting up with so much birds, I think that life has no meaning because I feel so bad about this situation that suffocates me… I feel alone without anyone, I feel like I’m not important to anyone, I just spend my time thinking about him. I made it wrong that if it’s going to bother him if I ask him an argument or I make an argument, that is, I only spend it thinking about him in this relationship that stuns me so much. In reality, I love him a lot and it gives me hope that one day he will change and learn to value myself. treat me better and respect me but it’s like that day will never come, birds I think about leaving and leaving him but the love I feel wins me over and I fall into the same thing… that’s my life but I say that can’t be love…



Hello Fiona, I just want to tell you that I know you are feeling bad, but you don’t have to. I present to you someone who can help you and is knocking on the door of your heart. His name is Jesus our savior. No man can fill the space that only God should. to fill in our lives, for God you are his daughter, his special treasure, the apple of his eyes, you are a princess, Fiona, you have a lot of value for God, he is your father, your boyfriend should not be the one who gives you your value The word of the Lord says that he changes your lament into dancing, it says that he encourages the brokenhearted, only he can do that, so now come closer to him, he has never left your side, we are the ones. We have distanced ourselves from God, but we have only one path called Jesus, ask him to help you to give you strength and let him enter your life, you will see how beautiful our father is, a father loves and forgives, come back to us. your house, do not depart from him, put your trust in him, and not in man, Fiona God loves you….



I’ve been feeling this bad for a long time, without valuing myself. The beginning of everything is the love for my boyfriend, who has allowed me to endure things that ultimately led me to this state. He works at night, sleeps during the day, unlike I. He barely has hours of the day to enjoy and when he wakes up there I am. That’s what he says creates monotony for him, and he blames me, telling me that he’s overwhelmed, that we won’t see each other for x days, what nonsense after so many years together. On the other hand, suddenly…