How to know if I have body dysmorphia

Body dysmorphia is a mental health disorder in which a person has excessive, obsessive preoccupation with an imagined or minor defect in their physical appearance. This disorder causes an alteration in perception, which causes anxiety, permanent discomfort in relation to one’s own image, problems in social ties and inhibitions. This clinical condition has been studied by psychology due to the emotional, behavioral and cognitive manifestations that it entails in different clinical cases.

Many people have tried to understand body dysmorphia in depth to find effective solutions, however, sometimes the data circulating in the media can be incorrect or imprecise, generating greater confusion. In this Psychology-Online article, we explain How do I know if I have body dysmorphia?.

What is body dysmorphia

Body dysmorphia is a mental health disorder which is characterized by the presence of misconceptions about body image. In more concrete terms, this pathology emphasizes the minimal defects that a person considers on some part of their body. However, the details that are perceived are not seen by other people or are unimportant.

According to the DSM-V, body dysmorphia can be placed in the group of body dysmorphic disorders due to the qualities it presents. In this article you will find more information about the.

Diagnostic criteria for body dysmorphia

In order to carry out an adequate evaluation, it will be necessary to meet a series of diagnostic criteria:

  • Concern about one or more physical defects that are not perceptible.
  • Repetitive behaviors that arise from concern for physical appearance.
  • Deterioration of social, work and family relationships.
  • The alterations cannot be explained by the presence of other mental disorders or the intake of medications and toxic substances.

Despite the description just made, it is worth clarifying that the diagnosis must always be made by a mental health professional specialized in the subject since they will be in charge of evaluating the clinical conditions of each person.

How to detect body dysmorphia

Detecting body dysmorphia can be challenging, as people who suffer from it often hide their concerns and symptoms due to the shame and stigma associated with their appearance. However, there are some Signs and symptoms that could indicate the presence of dysmorphophobia. We see them below:

  • Obsessive worry about a defect perceived in physical appearance, which may be minimal or nonexistent to others.
  • Spending long periods of time examining yourself in the mirror or avoiding social situations due to concern about appearance.
  • Having recurring and distressing thoughts about the perceived defect.
  • Constantly search for validation from others and ask opinions about your appearance.
  • Constantly compare yourself with others in terms of physical appearance.
  • Intense feelings of shame, appearance-related anxiety or depression. In this article, we tell you.
  • Look for unnecessary medical or cosmetic treatments to correct the perceived defect.
  • To experience significant difficulties in interpersonal relationshipsdaily functioning and emotional well-being due to concerns about appearance.

It is important to keep in mind that these signs and symptoms can vary in intensity from one person to another. If you suspect that you or someone you know might have dysmorphophobia, it is advisable to seek the opinion of a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.

Causes of body dysmorphia

This pathology has various origins that account for the manifestations of the condition. Below you will find the main causes of body dysmorphia:

  • Environmental factors: Social pressures and ideals of body beauty are one of the pillars that can produce alterations in body perception. In this sense, many people try to achieve an image of physical perfection that is impossible because defects are part of being human, which can cause great frustrations that lead to body dysmorphia.
  • Experiential factors: having gone through difficult times in life influences the emergence of the pathology. This includes situations such as family violence, school abuse, among others. Past events form erroneous ideas about physical appearance that lead to mental disorders. Likewise, the imitation of behaviors of members of the family environment affects the development of this perceptual alteration, such as, for example, imposed ideals of beauty or family pressures.
  • Genetic factors: Genetic inheritance can also influence the way we perceive the world. This can be located in the central nervous system’s processing of stimuli coming from outside. Therefore, if a parent has been diagnosed with body dysmorphia, the chances of their children developing the same condition will increase.

Body dysmorphia treatment

Treatment of body dysmorphia usually involves a combination of psychological therapy and, in some cases, medication. Next, we will develop the most common body dysmorphia treatments:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): It is a therapy that has been proven effective in the treatment of body dysmorphia. It focuses on helping people identify and change distorted thoughts and negative beliefs about their appearance. We also work on developing healthy coping strategies and improving self-esteem. In this sense, it is positioned as the most effective brief approach.
  • Exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy: This therapy is based on gradually exposing the person to feared situations related to their appearance and helping them resist the compulsion to perform avoidance or validation-seeking behaviors. The goal is to reduce anxiety and worry associated with the perceived defect.
  • group therapy– Allows people to share their experiences and challenges with others who are also dealing with body dysmorphia. This can provide emotional support, reduce feelings of isolation, and encourage learning effective coping strategies.
  • Medication: In some cases, medications may be prescribed to treat symptoms associated with body dysmorphia, such as depression or anxiety. Antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), have shown some effectiveness in the treatment of this disorder. In this article you will find information about the .

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (5th edition). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.


  • Behar, R., Arancibia, M., Heitzer, C., Meza, N. (2016). Body dysmorphic disorder: clinical aspects, nosological dimensions and controversies with anorexia nervosa. Chilean Medicine Magazine, 11 (144), 626-633.
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