Emotional origin of myopia and how to cure it consciously

Defect that only allows you to see clearly what is close and is unable to focus and perceive distant objects.

If someone has myopia, it means that they live in fear of an approaching danger (it can be symbolic or real), a danger that the person feels is coming from behind and therefore has to watch closely, be very present.

“The danger comes from behind and I don’t know where.”

“I must have a good eye.”

The danger can be the father, the mother, the teacher, etc.

It usually affects those people who, although they trust in their future, have the permanent thought that something bad can come to change their happiness and tranquility, their present, which they do enjoy.

“I have to see what is near, I don’t want to see what is far away”.

“Thinking about the future bothers me.”

“I can’t stand that someone dear has gone away.”

“I don’t want to see what’s coming.”

“I run away from what could happen.”

When myopia occurs, which is usually during adolescence or youth, it can be basically due to two specific facts:

I feel in danger due to some circumstance that surrounds me.

I don’t want to see (accept, tolerate, understand) what is further away.

It is normal for children and young people to be afraid to face the real world, to take responsibility, to work, in short, to live as adults.

Strong subjectivity and introversion. “Do not see beyond your own nose.”

See also  NEPHRITIC COLIC: Emotional cause and how to heal it quickly.

The myopic sees everything from his point of view and can be upset by the opinions of others, when they are different from his own.

You tend to care a lot about yourself compared to your interest in others, you keep wondering if you should be more outgoing and care about others, like other people do.

The myopic can face immediate reality and daily life with great ease, however, it is difficult for him to foresee new possibilities, new alternatives, to conceive a vision of the future.

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