PERVERSE NARCISSIST: 25 Characteristics and How to Treat It

Without meaning to, people are selfish by nature since, from the moment we are born, we tend to request a series of attentions from those around us.

During the , actions aimed at achieving our own objectives become more or less present in our behavior. However, the important thing about these actions is to see if they are achieved through one’s own work or at the expense of others.

In Psychology-Online, we want to present to you a type of behavior which bases all their actions on obtaining what they want, regardless of the harm they may cause to others. These are perverse narcissists, we will see their characteristics and how to treat them.

What is a perverse narcissist?

These types of people act in a destructive manner and do everything in their power to cause those around them to enter a spiral of emotional dependence on your person. Many times, they act even beyond their consciousness, that is, they act automatically without considering the consequences that their actions will have on other individuals.

This term does not describe a type of pathology or personality in itself, but rather it is a tool when building romantic relationships. He perverse narcissist seeks total control in their relationships. Therefore, he must be considered as a person who implements a series of strategies (socially maladaptive but often accepted by society) in order to achieve his objective.

How to recognize a perverse narcissist: 25 characteristics

We can identify a perverse narcissist since they present the following traits and behaviors:

  1. They are people lacking empathy.
  2. They appear to be kind and charming, using perverse seduction to get closer to their victims.
  3. If confronted, they act in an annoying manner.
  4. They can become aggressive and violent if situations are beyond their control.
  5. They feel unique or special, so they can only be understood by people of the same level.
  6. They feel the right to deserve more privileges than other people.
  7. They request excessive attention and admiration.
  8. They have recurring fantasies of unlimited success.
  9. They exploit others for their own interests and objectives.
  10. They have signs of persistent envy.
  11. Shows arrogant and presumptuous behavior.
  12. They fiercely and cruelly criticize those they see as a threat.
  13. Their level of sociability is empty, superficial and false.
  14. They have a exaggerated self-esteem.
  15. These are people who try to sneak away when they see that someone is going to unmask them.
  16. They act by attacking the self-love, self-confidence and self-esteem of those around you.
  17. He will use the double meaning of words to position himself as a victim in any situation that favors him.
  18. They are people capable of reasoning very logically.
  19. They have skills to ensure that their actions are justified.
  20. If you are envious of other people’s moral qualities, you will do everything possible to destroy those virtues.
  21. They are experts at speaking ambiguously which generates confusion in the other person. Furthermore, they are characterized by not finishing their sentences which destabilizes their victims.
  22. They usually lie constantlyHowever, they do not do it in a 100% direct way, but rather they use insinuations and silences in a way that creates misunderstandings from which they can obtain benefits in the future.
  23. It uses projective defense mechanisms where it makes other people experience what they cannot bear.
  24. They are not aware of their problem. They, according to their mind, represent perfection, so they do not have to change anything about themselves.
  25. They are completely chameleon-like. Since they themselves do not have a defined identity, they can adapt their way of being and their tastes depending on who they want to seduce.

How to treat a perverse narcissist

It is highly recommended to try to avoid, by all possible means, establishing emotional and sentimental ties with these people since, A relationship with a perverse narcissist can be very destructive. for the other person.

If you perceive that you are dealing with someone with this type of behavior, put distance between both as soon as possible. But do it quickly because perverse narcissists need to create a bond in order to exert their influence so, once established, they will not allow the other person to walk away.

The best way to deal with a perverse narcissist is ignoring him Well, his way of working is based on creating conflicts between his victims and the rest of the people so that they end up completely depending on him.

Therefore, you must always remain alert when you have the impression that you are dealing with a person with this type of behavior since, in this way, you will be able to anticipate their actions.

Avoid getting into fights and argue with him or her since, if they do, they will use everything they have in their repertoire to always be right and hurt you.

How to leave a perverse narcissist

There is a clear difficulty when it comes to get away from a narcissistic person as a result of the dependency that he, through deception, has managed to create in his victim. However, once that distance is created, the symptoms caused by the relationship with him begin to disappear.

It is recommended go to therapybut not to overcome the distance with the perverse narcissist, but to identify and find out what were the reasons that made him succumb to him and, in this way, avoid repeating said situation again.

To separate yourself from a narcissistic person, you must cut off any type of communication with her. This can be very complicated because narcissists do not easily resign themselves to losing someone whom they consider their “property.” You have to avoid relapse by all possible means because, if you do, you will feed their desire for control and dependence. No matter how much it provokes you, ignore it, so that it realizes that it no longer has an effect on you.

How to forget a perverse narcissist

Getting over a narcissist is not as difficult as it may seem. This is because, the moment the ties with that person are broken and the symptoms of dependency, undervaluation, abuse… begin to disappear, a process of recovery and improvement begins.

During this stage, the victim of the perverse narcissist begins to realize the relationship he had developed with him and how it had influenced him so much. Thus, as more and more distance is created between the narcissist and the victimthis second begins a process of forgetting her.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Secci, E.M. (2019). Perverse Narcissists and impossible unions. Youcanprint.
  • Bouchoux, J.C. (2016). The perverted narcissists. Harp editors.
  • The narcissistic pervert: recognize and discard. (sf). Retrieved on December 12, 2016, from Pikifashion.
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