Emotional cause of RAYNAUD’S SYNDROME and how to treat it consciously

Disease of the blood vessels of the fingers causing them to become pale, cold and painful.

This occurs because not enough blood reaches these parts of the body, a condition that can also occur, for example, if we are in a very cold environment.

The blood is withdrawn from the fingers, to heat and carry nutrients to other parts of the body that need it more.

Conflict for feeling unable to do something or to maintain “cold blood”.

“I can’t be competent and bring things to fruition, to the end.”

“I feel unable to stay in that job.”

“I don’t feel capable at my job.”

“I feel like I am not able to finish this project.”

“I don’t feel capable of leaving that job, looking for or getting another job.”

Devaluation for not being recognized within the clan itself.

“I’m not as good as my family expects or believes.”

“I feel like I’m not good enough to be accepted.”

Devaluation conflict related to not being able to touch, grab, hold someone with your hands.

“I want to retain the deceased.”

Loss of territory by separation or death.

Conflicts related to situations where the person felt “very cold”.

It can be interrelated stories with deceased people (dead), with ice, with cold, with work or with the family.

It could be someone who works at a funeral home or somewhere where there is ice and they don’t like it.

See also  Emotional conflicts that affect the liver and how to consciously cure it

Maybe someone I loved very much died in the cold, on the ice, and I couldn’t help him.

“My family is like an iceberg.”

“My life is like “frozen”.

“I feel that this place where I live is very cold and I have always wanted to leave.”

Self devaluation. “I can not pass the information intended to circulate oxygenated blood.”

If we do not find ourselves identified with the previous conflicts, we have to search our family tree in case there is a similar story that we have inherited.

In the same way, we must review the Meaning Project with which we were conceived and gestated and analyze if it was not our parents who lived these stories and have programmed us.

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link: