HEART, emotional conflicts that affect it and the way to cure it

The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system. It is a muscle that works without the intervention of our conscious will, it commands itself, in fact, the heart can beat without a brain.

It is like a “pump” that vigorously drives blood to all corners of the body, however, it is not within our reach to control the force (palpitations) or speed (arrhythmia, tachycardia).

Symbolically it is considered the “family house”, of those who carry the same blood.

On a symbolic level, the heart is considered the center of love and is associated with the full range of feelings, from affection, compassion and tenderness, to grief, loss and fear.

There are many popular expressions related to this topic:

-“Have a big heart”, “give something with all your heart”, (be generous);

-“Not having a heart”, “having a heart of stone”, (being insensitive);

-“To break one’s heart”, (to feel a great sorrow);

-“Open your heart to someone”, “speak with your heart in your hand”, (be honest with someone), etc.

So, what do heart diseases transmit to us?

Conditions of the heart and circulatory system are related to the way we relate to and feel about ourselves, with whether we are capable of feeling love and expressing it to others.

They can also be associated with the opposite, with hostility and rejection.

When we present a problem in the heart it means that we are experiencing a conflict of devaluation for not being able to defend our territory (real or symbolic):

House, family, partner, children, work, pet, money, salary, friends, etc.

atrial systole: Receive the blood – It is Female.

Ventricular systole: Throw the blood – It is Masculine.

“My ex-wife gets the house.” “I want to go back to my mother’s house.” “She left the door open so my mother can come back.”

A big heart indicates the need to expand the house. “We need a bigger house to accommodate the baby (for example)”.

Auricles (female): What I receive at home, in relation to the mother. Right atrium: Mudblood reception.

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Conflict with the reception, the secrets, the bad plays and the mother. Left atrium: Reception of purified blood. The father wants to kick me out of the house, my mother protects me.

Ventricles (male): Expel or leave home, in relation to the father.

Right ventricle: Need to throw dirty things out of the house. Not wanting something because it is considered dirty.

Left ventricle: Expulsion of the sons of the clan.

Myocarditis: Inflammation of the myocardium, the muscular walls of the heart. The sense is to improve the performance of the myocardium.

If there is inflammation it means a greater contribution of energy and nutrients for better performance.

Conflict of anger, rage contained in the home.

Depreciation regarding cardiac efficiency.

Territory conflict: “They throw me out of the territory.”

Carditis: Conflict of anger, rage contained at home.

Cardiac hypertrophy: It consists of an increase in the thickness of the heart muscle (myocardium) that makes up the ventricular wall.

Increased myocardium due to a need to better manage blood (blood or family ties) within the heart (home, house, territory).

Need to expand the home to better accommodate the family.

Conflict of great grief for having been expelled from family territory.

Right side: I have to clean up the family.

Left side: I must protect the family.

: Conflict of loss of foreign territory.

Left artery: Conflict of loss of interior territory (conflict of abandonment).

Muscle spasm in the coronary arteries: Conflict of wanting to go to the loved one, but unable to do so due to the partner and children with whom he lives.

Angina pectoris: Oppressive pain located in the sternum area due to insufficient oxygen supply to the cells that make up the heart muscle.

The symbolism of the heart is “the house, the home”. If we lose “the house” we do not need so much oxygen supply or the conflict will be revived.

It manifests itself when the person has suffered a conflict of loss of territory (affective or professional) or the “content” of the territory.

As in the case of , but he does not confront himself to try to resolve it, rather he adapts to the conflict.

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I have lost something that was mine.

Someone threatens to take away something that is mine.

Active phase of a territory conflict with incidence on our role as “bosses”, “secondary boss” or “assistant boss”.

In right-handed man:

Conflict of loss of territory or the content of the territory: partner who abandons it, children who leave home, partner or children who die, etc.

In a left-handed woman:

Sexual conflict: It affects women who have remained single, who have not had sexual relations or who have not become pregnant.

Pericardium: (membrane that protects the heart).

I must protect my heart from attack, real or symbolic.

Conflict of fear related to one’s own heart or that of another family member.

If we have affected the pericardium, it means that we are experiencing a conflict of devaluation because we live in constant fear of a heart attack or that a family member will suffer a heart attack.

“You have to be very careful with your heart.”

“Fear of having an attack.”

“I won’t tell my mother anything, I’m sure she’ll have a heart attack.”

Conflict of attack on territorial integrity. The symbolic identification of the heart is related to the home, the house.

Conflict of feeling attacked within the territory.

Pericarditis: may be related to the entry or exit of a family member from your home (heart).

endocardium: Conflict of devaluation regarding the heart. “That rips my heart out.” “My heart has been broken.” “It is necessary that the life of the family flow without obstacles.”

Heart valves: Conflict of impotence at home.

Steonic: I don’t want to open the door of my house. Both to go out or to enter depending on the valve. “My father wants to keep me at home and I want to free myself.”

Insufficiency: Conflict of protection of the home or family.

Atrioventricular valves (tricuspid and mitral): Conflict of rejection by the mother.

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Ventriculo-arterial valves (pulmonary and aortic): Conflict of rejection by the father.

Mitral valve: “I feel unprotected by my partner.”

“The male is never there when you need him.”

“There is no male who will stand up for me.”

“I have no one to defend me.”

The woman has to assume that the lack of a man by her side is not going to make her weaker and that she will be able to get ahead without a partner.

Mitral stenosis: Impotence conflict. Want to stop the male from leaving, but you can’t. We don’t want something to go out of the house, or we don’t want “too much” to go out.

“My mother prevents me from reaching my father” (in terms of leaving home). Valve prolapse: Conflict of territory linked to a separation and pressures regarding love.

For example, I lose the territory for having to divorce who I still love.

Lack of communication between father and mother. The mother throws the son out of the house. The father is kicked out of the house by the mother.

Mitral regurgitation: “My father kicks me out but I come back thanks to my mother.” Obligation of the father towards me, with opposition (I want to free myself from that obligation).

Ventricles: “I have no space in my house (heart) to receive my father.”

: Having a problem in the coronary veins expresses that we are suffering or have suffered a significant loss of territory and specifically in some “heart” matter.

It can also indicate a biological conflict of sexual frustration, for lack of relationships or for not belonging to any man sexually.

“I want to eliminate (from my partner, from my family, life…) everything inappropriate.”

“I see myself deprived of carnal contact.”

“My partner has left me.”

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link: