How to release ENDORPHINS? – 10 very easy ways

Endorphins are commonly known as “the hormones of happiness” because they allow us to obtain sensations of pleasure and contribute to greater well-being, they help us feel euphoric, full and happy. These hormones are secreted naturally by our body, but what would you tell us if we told you that there are numerous activities that increase their release, producing a greater feeling of happiness? If you want to know when we produce endorphins and how to release endorphinscontinue reading this Psychology-Online article where we will explain the ways to release them naturally.

What are endorphins?

Endorphins are an endogenous substance in our body, a neurotransmitter known as the pleasure hormone. Endorphins are involved in stimulating the brain areas that contribute to experiencing these feelings. sensations of pleasuresince its structure is similar to that of opioids, such as heroin, morphine and/or opium, without the negative effects they produce.

Endorphins have different functions and effects. They have been implicated in the regulation of pain, inhibiting its response, as well as that of emotional pain, in sexual relations, increasing desire, in the immune system, increasing its ability to combat microorganisms from the outside and in other functions such as regulation of appetite, breathing and increased sleep sensations. If you want to know more about endorphins, you can consult this article: .

Ways to release endorphins

How to release endorphins? There are many activities that we do in our daily lives that help generate endorphins, the question is to know what they are, with the aim of being able to enhance these activities to be able to increase feelings of well-being which produces the release of endorphins. Let’s see what are the ways to release endorphins:

1. Practice sports

Is it possible to release endorphins by running? Yes, it has been concluded that sport is one of the best options to release endorphins. It is not necessary to do excessive sports to generate endorphins, since doing sport twice a week It already considerably increases the levels of this substance. Therefore, if you want to know how to produce endorphins quickly, this is the answer. How long do endorphins last in the body? The release of endorphins is maintained for a extended period of time after completing the exercise.

The release of endorphins during exercise allows us to receive positive sensations on our body, similar to those that morphine would produce, it gives us a “shot” of energy, a feeling of euphoria, accompanied by positive and energizing feelings.

2. Sexual relations

Endorphins are closely related to feelings of pleasure and performing the sexual act considerably increases the release of endorphins. Therefore, having sexual relations is one of the activities that most increases endorphins.

3. Signs of affection

It has been observed that the caresses, the hugs and the kisses They help generate endorphins, because the combination of the release of pheromones with the release of endorphins promotes a greater feeling of pleasure, well-being and happiness. For this reason, one of the functions of endorphins has been related to the romantic bonding of a couple.

4. Relaxing exercises

Can you generate endorphins with your mind? In a way, through the . It has been shown that our body releases endorphins more easily when it is in a state of relaxation. For this reason, practicing activities such as yoga, meditation or a massage They can be ideal for generating endorphins.

5. Make plans and meet your goals

Have a goal and achieve it It produces great satisfaction in us and, in response, a greater production of endorphins that increase our well-being.

How to release endorphins naturally

In addition to practicing the different activities designed to release endorphins, there are different daily actions that help to naturally release these hormones.

1. Food

Another method to generate endorphins naturally is our diet. The sensations of pleasure that occur in our body when eating are not only physical sensations, they are also chemical and our body increases these sensations thanks to the release of this hormone. What foods release endorphins? Foods that can help us are:

  • Sweets: the myth that when we are sad it feels good to eat ice cream or chocolate is not so far from reality. Sweets such as chocolate or fruits, rich in sugar, help release endorphins, but remember that we should not abuse these foods.
  • Vitamin C and B: foods rich in these vitamins help produce endorphins. Some of the foods that contain these properties are cereals, pineapple or pepper.
  • Spicy foods: Spicy foods considerably increase the production of endorphins, because our body receives spicy food as pain and, in response to this, seeks to inhibit its response and to calm it, the release of endorphins increases.
  • Omega-3: oily fish, tuna, salmon or sardines are foods high in Omega-3. This fatty acid is the only one that is not produced naturally by our body, and is directly related to our mood, which is why eating foods that contain Omega-3 increases our well-being and our mood.
  • Legumes: many legumes, such as chickpeas, do not act on the release of endorphins, but they do have an impact on the secretion of , another hormone directly linked to mood.

2. Laugh

The simple action of laughing It promotes the release of endorphins, so engaging in conversations with a sense of humor or joking helps us increase our mood and gives us feelings of greater happiness. with simply a smileour body begins to generate endorphins.

3. Sleep

keep some good sleeping habits It has been proven to be essential to produce endorphins. For this reason, when we have had a good night and have had a restful sleep, we wake up the next day in a good mood and otherwise, we wake up in a bad mood. Restful sleep increases positive attitudes and the energy needed for the proper functioning of our day.

4. Love

Love and falling in love produce the greatest sensations of happiness, euphoria and pleasure. When we see someone in love we say that they radiate happiness, the explanation for this state is the gigantic release of endorphins that the infatuation.

5. Contact with nature

A good walk through nature, going out breathe fresh air, lie on a beach or having a picnic in the countryside, are activities that require contact with nature, which fill us with energy and well-being. Nature allows us to distract ourselves from our thoughts, relaxes us and gives us a greater sense of well-being, thereby increasing the secretion of endorphins.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Alvarez, T. (1979). endorphins. Rev. Col Anest, 7(259).
  • Bohórquez Forero, YA (2012). Endorphins as an integrating concept of Natural Sciences and Physical Education (Doctoral dissertation, National University of Colombia).
  • Kolb, B. & Whishaw, I. (2006). Human neuropsychology. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
  • Levinthal, C. F. (1989). Messengers of paradise: the discovery of endorphins and brain receptors. Edit Gedisa.
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