BLADDER, emotional conflicts that affect you and how to heal them

The urinary system, in general, alerts us regarding territory conflicts, and specifically in the function of losing, marking, ordering or organizing the territory.
Biologically, animals use urine to mark territory.

We do the same but our notion of territory is a little broader.

It can be a real or symbolic territory, like our house, our office, our things, our country, or something symbolic like our partner, our work, our family, our projects, etc.

Bladder problems tell us that we are experiencing or have experienced a situation in which it has been impossible for us to mark our territory.

We have not been able to prove that something or someone is ours.

When it affects the woman it means that due to circumstances beyond her she cannot “”.

Men seek to mark territory from the outside, to prevent them from entering from outside and invading it.

Women try to mark territory inwards, they are the ones who order and organize it.

Bladder, submucosa:

Someone has “stained” my territory. Muck on the territory, dirt, grime.

“Conflict related to an unclean matter, to a dirty thing.”

Bladder, mucosa. Right part, female:

Conflict of not being able to organize the territory or to recognize the limits.

Fear of the territory losing its organization.

Difficulties of not being able to determine their position, of not having references.

What territory do I belong to?

Left part, male: It will mark the outside of the territory.

Territory marking conflict. Border conflict.

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: It is the involuntary emission of urine.

Frequent urination: It refers to my relationship with others.

I never express my negative feelings of hatred, resentment, disagreement, dissatisfaction, irritation.

Imperious need to “mark” my territory at home, in the office, on the street.

“Everywhere I feel out of place.”

Urinary retention or anuria: Lack of own territory. Real or symbolic. “I don’t have my territory.”

Old psycho-emotional conflicts. We’re not putting out something very important and that’s why we end up getting intoxicated.

hematuria: Desire to expel someone out of my territory.

Lack of joy for not being able to delimit the borders of the territory.

Ureter: This is the same conflict that affects the bladder.

Feeling of danger in the territory. “I am in danger”.

Urethra: It is the channel through which the bladder is emptied. Problems in the urethra indicate that we don’t know where our limits are.

We spend time trying to mark our territory, but we don’t know if it is ours or not.

We don’t know how far we can go; if we can do such a thing or not, if it will be correct or not, if it will be well regarded or not, we do not know “what to expect”.

If the urethra becomes inflamed (urethritis) it is because we have experienced or are experiencing a conflict in which we feel outraged by something that has happened to us.

Instead of expressing it and fixing it, we just blame others.

Territory conflict: Not knowing internally where the limits are. Anger because someone has “crossed the limits of their territory”.

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Bladder polyps: I am experiencing a conflict in which the limits of my territory are not clear to me.

I cannot determine which or how far my territory, real or symbolic, extends.

It can refer to things or people and can be related to social, work and family matters.

What family or group of friends do I belong to?

Conflict in relation to something ugly, dirty, within the territory and that we cannot eliminate.

Bladder stones: Formation of accretions of solid material (stones) in the urinary bladder.

Problems with liquids (money, referents, emotions).

The meaning of a bladder stone is to retain the output of liquids to prevent them from being lost at a time when they are essential for us.

We must interpret the “liquids” as symbolism of money, referents or emotions, which is what we really want to retain.

Or as a final solution to avoid marking a territory that we cannot delimit.

Urinary colibacillosis: Urinary infection produced by Escherichia coli.

Need to produce stronger urine (smell), to better mark the territory.

Conflict of sexual territory or couple. I can’t establish or assume my sexual place.

It is a conflict of territory marking in front of a partner with depression.

Ulcer left area:

Territorial demarcation problems. Conflict of borders, limits.

Right zone carcinomatous ulcer:

Not being able to recognize the limits of the territory. Territorial dislocation.

Reflections: What territory do I belong to? Have they invaded my territory? Has your organization lost my territory?

Is there dirt (grime) in my territory?

People with bladder problems are afraid to relax and therefore have a tendency to control, to cling to old ideas and beliefs.

They tend to suffer from anguish and annoyance.

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Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

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