Emotional origin of melanoma and how to consciously cure it

Melanin is part of the basal layer of the skin and is a pigment in the cells responsible for giving color (pigmentation) to our skin.

It is also responsible for protecting our skin from the incidence of ultraviolet solar rays. That is, it prevents the sun from burning our skin.

There is a belief that this disease is caused by the sun’s rays and this is not so.

It can be demonstrated in those cases in which melanoma occurs in the .

And, the person, has never sunbathed, exposing this part of his body directly to the sun’s rays.

However, it must be taken into account that the brain is motivated in exactly the same way by real events or by those symbols that represent it.

And the sun embodies the father figure, in the symbolic aspect.

Conflicts with sunlight are equivalent to conflicts for having felt invaded by my father or some other figure that represents him.

Real or symbolic: it can be my father, a double of my father, by date or by name.

Perhaps it could be someone I consider my father, like my uncle, a teacher, my grandfather, etc.;

In the same way, my partner, my mother, a friend, etc. I can also see and feel them like my father, if they are doubles of him.

“I protect myself from the sun’s rays (father).”

“I protect myself from my father’s gaze.”

Through melanoma, my unconscious seeks to protect me from a conflict of strong intensity, or that I have experienced it as such and that it has overcome me emotionally.

See also  PAIN in the ELBOW: Emotional cause and how to cure it consciously.

I have to search, for a year prior to the appearance of the melanoma, an emotional conflict in which I have suffered an attack on my integrity, (real or symbolic), physically or verbally.

I must look for a dramatic, violent situation in which I felt humiliated, offended, dishonored, etc., and which caused me a lot of pain.

Deep conflict of devaluation and dishonor:

I have felt attacked, through some act or word, by someone who may belong to my family, my work, friend or the social sphere, etc.

That has made me dirty, stained, torn, etc.

And I have not known how to defend myself, accept and integrate.

“I feel that I have been dirty, stained, humiliated, outraged, insulted, slandered.”

“I feel touched in my integrity”

“I have lost my integrity”

“I feel torn, disfigured”

“You’re a pig, you’re a piece of shit”

It is important to take into account the affected part of the body, to know its specific meaning:

When it appears in the hands (work, father) it expresses an attack conflict related to my work.

In the ear, refers to attacks with words, screams or a slap.

If it appears in the, (sex symbol) I will look for some devaluation or humiliation related to sexuality.

In the eye, it will be related to something dirty, violent, humiliating, that I have seen.

When it manifests itself on the sole of the foot (mother), it tells us about situations in which I have felt offended, dirty, humiliated, for having “stepped on” something dirty.

And so on, we have to interpret the affected part and relate it to an attack on my integrity.

See also  Emotional origin of APPENDICITIS and the way to prevent and heal it

If in my life I am not aware of having experienced something similar…

Then I have to find out if it was my mother, during her pregnancy, who lived through any of these experiences and those about me.

If my mother did not experience something similar either, I will have to look in my family tree, among my doubles and find out if any of them experienced them and have transferred this program to me.

To heal myself I have to try to find the event that happened to me and express the pain I felt and kept quiet.

Then I have to take over the projection and take responsibility for my feelings. Forgive and forgive me.